iA / Startup in Japan (2): Find an Accountant

Year: 2005

Startup in Japan (2): Find an Accountant

– I needed an accountant for my new company and so I checked out a couple of websites and made a couple of appointments. And if you think accountants are boring, you are so very wrong.


– もちろん、日本語が使いこなせるかは、日本でビジネスを行う上でキーになります。しかし、あなたの日本語がパーフェクトでない限り、日本人と仕事をしようなんて、考えてはいけません。やっていきたければ、日本人のスタッフを雇うべきです。そして、そういった環境を整える準備ができるまでは、ガイジン市場に固執してください。小さいけれど、大変にフレンドリーな市場です。自信を持って出せるものさえあれば。

Startup in Japan (1): The Basics

– Setting up a company in Japan as a foreigner isn’t as difficult as you might guess. Of course, it helped that I knew some things about Japan, and starting off—before I started off.

What is an Idea, and How Much is it Worth?

– An idea is not some pink cloud that looks like a bunny. The Greek word "Eidos" originally meant "form, shape", and that is what a real idea is.