iA / Why is Facebook not Paying the Apple Tax?

Tag: Digital Strategy

Why is Facebook not Paying the Apple Tax?

– Why should Facebook—the biggest beneficiary of the iPhone, its tools, and its infrastructure—pay nothing, when small developers have to pay tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Subscription or no subscription? That is not the question.

– Companies selling apps via subscriptions use drama to sell: "Either subscription or we die.” As customers, we don't like to add more recurring payments to our monthly credit card bill. Begrudgingly we all accept subscriptions as a new reality. There is a limit to how many we can add to our credit card bill before we ask: Is this necessary? Is there only one business model for software, and, well, for anything now?

iOS: Backups for Dropbox, Google Drive and Co.

– iA Writer 5.0.5 for iOS introduces a fail-safe backup system for any documents opened from other applications. This means if you’ve opened a file from Dropbox, Google Drive or any other storage provider, everything you write in iA Writer is preserved—no matter what.

Speaking Schedule

– iA is speaking at a wide range of design and tech conferences. An overview of past and future events.

Starting Out On Android

– In the summer of 2014, we started dabbling with the Android SDK to get a feeling of what it would mean to develop an Android adaptation of iA Writer. We discovered a dev-friendly world with scant traces of the Android horror stories we had in the backs of our minds.

Logo, Bullshit & Co., Inc.

– Everybody likes logos. Everybody wants their own logo. Everybody wants to make their own logo. Everybody has a computer and some fonts. Anybody can make a logo. What makes designers think they are so special?

“Nichts war geplant” (Persönlich)

– Herr Reichenstein, kürzlich hat Facebook für die unglaubliche Summe von 1 Milliarde US Dollar das kleine Unternehmen Instagram geschluckt. Werden die Information Architects bald von Microsoft geschluckt? “Nichts war geplant” (Persönlich)


– ウェブサイトを作るときは、まずは本文のテキストを定義することから始めるものだった。本文の定義次第で、中心となるコラム(列)の幅が決まり、その他はそれに連なって自ら定義される。これは昔の話。近年までは画面の解像度は基本的に共通だった。しかし、今は様々な大きさのスクリーンや解像度に対応する必要があり、事情は複雑になっている。

Follow-up to “Sweep the Sleaze”

– Our call to question the common practice of blindly adding social media buttons to every page got a lot of attention, and found many friends across the board. This proves we are onto something. Let’s look at some of the more critical reactions.

Sweep the Sleaze

– Promising to make you look wired and magically promote your content in social networks, the Like, Retweet, and +1 buttons occupy a good spot on pretty much every page of the World Wide Web. Because of this, almost every major site and brand is providing free advertising for Twitter and Facebook. But do these buttons work?

Der Computer: Velo oder Hamsterrad?

– Werkzeuge sind Verlängerungen des Körpers: Die Brille ist eine Verlängerung des Auges, der Hammer eine Verlängerung der Hand, der Hut eine Verlängerung des Kopfhaars. Was ist ein Computer? Die Verlängerung unseres Geistes? Steve Jobs meinte, der Computer sei ein Fahrrad für den Geist. Eine schöne Vorstellung. Wenn man aber schaut, was insbesondere das Mobiltelefon mit uns macht, dann wirkt der zeitgenössische Computer eher wie ein Hamsterrad.

Improving the Digital Reading Experience

– There is a difference between checking Google Maps on your iPhone and asking a stranger for directions. It matters whether you listened to Beethoven’s 9th in a concert hall or in your living room, whether it plays from a vinyl LP or from your iPod. King Lear is not the same experience when seen at the theatre, studied on paper, or scanned on a Kindle.

On Prices and Features

– It's been two weeks since the launch of Writer for Mac and it went off like a rocket. We sold almost 5,000 copies in two weeks. Of course, version 1.0 had some birth defects (1.01 is out now), but the feedback was overwhelmingly positive—with the exception of a few complaints, mostly about the absence of features, and the price.

iPad App Sales Numbers: WIRED vs. Writer

– We're tracking the performance of iA Writer with a wonderful app called AppViz from ideaswarm. AppViz not only allows you to track your own sales—you can also use it to evaluate how much other apps make, if you have comparable sales numbers. My first question was: How much does WIRED make?

Can Information be Architected?

– A presentation with the title "iA on IA," held at EuroIA 2010.

E-Reading: Neue Medien sind mehr als ein Vertriebskanal für alte Inhalte

– «Das Buch wird niemals sterben.» In der englischen Simultan-Übersetzung klingt es fast wie «wir werden immer reiten und brauchen keine Autos». Doch der italienische Redner eines wissenschaftlichen Fachverlags ist sich seiner Sache sicher.

«Gibt es die perfekte Webseite?» (Design Made In Germany)

– Interview von Ulrike Daraghma und Pascal Jeschke für Design Made in Germany. DMIG «wollte wissen, ob es die perfekte Webseite gibt, ob Online-Nachrichten-Magazine eine Zukunft haben» und wie wir uns «die Zukunft von Text generell vorstellen.»

API for News? Reuters, NYT & iA Inc.

– Last week at Media2010, Marc Frons (Chief Technology Officer, Digital Operations, New York Times), Nic Fulton (Chief Scientist, Thomson Reuters), and I were asked several questions on the future of news…

Die 100-jährige Internetfirma

– Die 100jährige Internetfirma wird ein Pharmakonzern sein, stets auf der Suche nach der nächsten grossen Rezeptur. Oder ein Filmstudio, das 10 Produktionen im Jahr finanziert, um einen Blockbuster zu landen.

Future of Journalism: A Little Bit of Everything Please

– Recently, there has been a quality renaissance in the discussion about the economic future of journalism. While some are still touting the one miracle solution (usually alluding to Google’s business model and success), a lot of ideas have arisen that will probably make up for the economic future of journalism as a whole. Time for a summary.

Elvis and the Opposite

– A 14-year old video blogger named Fred somehow managed to get a fan base of almost 45 Million users. Now instead of asking how that's possible, Seth Godin and Robert Scoble trivialize his success. Did they forget what Elvis said?

Gebt den Sauriern Saures

– Die Rezession ist das Beste, was uns passieren kann. Uns Lesern. Uns Konsumenten. Uns neuen Medienmachern.

Data Gourmet

– The IT-Revolution promised to free and enrich us. To free us from propaganda, to free us from mindless TV, to free us from advertisement torture, and to enrich us by letting machines do all the boring work so we'd have more free time. So, how did it go?


– 今、景気はこれから後退すると言われていますが、これは、私たちにとっては、もっとも好ましいシナリオです。私たち-つまり私たち読む側(リーダー)にとって、私たち消費者にとって、そして、新しいメディア・メーカーとしての私たちにとって。

Surfing the Avalanche

– The supposed recession is the best thing that could happen to us readers, consumers, new media makers. Avalanche, take us with you!


– 匿名読者の皆さま。私たちに対してご批判があるのでしたら、どうぞおっしゃってください。ゲストとして、きちんとお迎えいたします。でも、ゲストなら、ゲストらしい振る舞いをお願いいたします。

2008年度版 Trend Map: What’s New

– 今回のmapは首都圏路線図をベースに作成し、また新しいレイヤーを2段追加しました。

Predictions for 2008

– This year we have seven predictions. If they are as accurate as last year’s, we should make this a paid service.


– 1年前、私たちは2007年をこう予測しました。現実の2007年と見比べながら、ちょっと振り返ってみたいとおもいます。

Looking Back on 2007

– Here’s what we said was going to happen in 2007 one year ago, compared to what really happened…

This is madness! No, This is Radiohead

– The release of music for free online is certainly no new thing, with many bands finding success through file-sharing. That fill-sharing kills the record industry is also nothing new, however Radiohead recently made it official by showing that it's possible the make and reach millions without either.

A Word on Design Value

– The other day we got a telephone call from a business man that planned to "exponentially increase" his Internet performance. His budget? $1,000.

Newspaper Wiki: Schematics

– The last couple of days we have received some excellent feedback on our article “Washington Post Redesign as a Wiki”. First of all, thank you to everyone who took the time to study our problem and form an opinion. To be able to receive input from the best people in the field is rare and rewarding. We got lots of applause, together with some questions and reservations.

wiki型新聞再構築(Washington Postデザイン考察)

– 前回の記事には多くの反響をいただきました。特に、どゆこと?という詳細へのご要望が多かったのが

Web Ad Spend Overtakes Newspapers

– Earlier this year we speculated that in 2007 "Big ad investments start streaming in". Our prognosis was heavily understated.

10 Newspaper Myths Deconstructed

– The San Francisco Chronicle is in financial trouble. InfoWorld stops printing. Time Magazine redesigns its print edition and fires 50 people. Quo vadis, newspapers?

Understanding New Media

– You often hear people saying that other people understand or don't understand the media. Funny enough that the appreciative "he/she understands the media" is applied to success in old media, while "he/she does not understand the media" is applied to old media people fumbling with the Internet.

Pushers and Spammers Should Pay

– The amount of spam and flooding blogs and mailboxes is getting worse and worse and worse. How should we stop it?

How to Compete With Free

– You should read Mike's latest article several times. Not because it's hard to understand, but because it's amazing stuff. Read it again and again and then read through a whole series of his related articles.

Technorati: Big Business with Bogus Data

– Since the PR giant Edelman and Technorati are working together they are both trying to become an industry reference for statistics on the blogosphere. The question is how reliable is Technorati’s data?

Partner in Astroturfing: Boycott Technorati?

– We all had a bad feeling about this right from the start. Why is the blog watch-and-search engine Technorati bonding with the No.1 PR giant Edelman? Can we trust them?

Web 3.0: You Say You’re on a Revolution?

– Web 1.0 started as a streaming publish-to-read medium; web 2.0 has established itself as a publishing platform for everyone. Now web 3.0 is said to be a technologically advanced Internet, where the user executes and the machines do the thinking.


– 先週の日曜から、「はじめまして、パソコンです…はじめまして、マックです…」というTVCMが始まりました。そして、驚くべきことにこの日本版CM、海外オリジナル版と異なっているのです。マック役の男性も、そんなにイケメンではないし、PC役の男性は、「サラリーマン」です。オリジナルほど、分かりやすく、露骨な宣伝ではなくなってしまいました。日本では、どうやら控えめにいかなければならないようです。

Read Different: Apple Ads in Japan

– Last Sunday, they started airing the "Hello, I'm a Mac… and I'm a PC" ads here in Japan. And here's a surprise: they're different. The Mac guy isn't particularly cool and the PC guy is a real "salary man" type. The ads aren't as obvious as the Western originals.


– コメントの嵐、多くのブログでのお褒めの言葉、ちょっと恐れ多いような方々からもご意見をいただき、またフォーラムでのディスカッション、中国語やイタリア語への翻訳など、ほんとうに色々と皆様に反響をいただきました。一つ一つにお答えすることが難しいので、いただいたご質問、反論などから多かったものについてこちらで少し追記させていただきたいと考えています。この作業によって、結果的に自分でも色々と整理出来た気がします。


– 95% of the information on the web is written language. It is only logical to say that a web designer should get good training in the main discipline of shaping written information, in other words: Typography.