iA / Boom! Boom! Boom!

Year: 2017

Boom! Boom! Boom!

– In 2017, we gave you a major iOS rewrite, the complete redesign of Android and a new type of writing font. 2018 is going to be a big year for iA Writer. There is an upcoming update of the Mac library and a backup solution for iOS is under construction. Next, we’ll add a Windows version, web collaboration and a physical product to the family. What? When? How?

Duospace: In Search of the Perfect Writing Font

– Monospace is the typical choice that communicates writing. With iA Writer Duospace, we went a step ahead. After seven years of offering no font options to write, iA Writer now comes with a choice. Next to the monospace Nitti you will now find a brand new duospace font. Duospace?

95% Keyboard: iA Writer 5

– 10 months in the making, we built iA Writer 5 following three specific goals. Through the 10 months of iterations, training our focus on these objectives has kept us on track. So what did we choose as our guiding principles?

Files in iOS11

– This fall Apple brought us iOS11 and with it new features. A lot of you have asked about the new Files app integration in iA Writer 5. Here is a short look at what you can expect.

iA Writer for Android Oreo

– The new iA Writer for Android now works on 42,000 different phones and tablets. Different brands, different resolutions, different processors, screens… Here is how it looks.

iA Writer 5 for iPad: Sneak Peek

– You may have already seen our sneak peek of iA Writer 5 on iPhone. For those of you with iPads, you may be wondering what the tablet experience will be like. This is what you can expect.

iA Writer 5 for iPhone: Sneak Peek

– iA Writer 5 will be released on iOS shortly. You asked for more focus on the writing, so we directed our attention on the keyboard, the heart of your writing experience.

Want to write? Here is how to get started

– “Only write when you have something to say.” It’s short and sound advice. Like “Think before you speak.” But, how do we know if we have something to say? Something to say *to whom*? Is there some other way than speaking to find out if we had something to say? Is there a formula?

iA Writer 5: Forging the Hammer

– Last week we explained how we believe that technology evolves from raw to complex to simple and how this relates to iA Writer. In order to simplify it even more, we asked how you see iA Writer in future—and what and how you’d expect to pay for it. To a handful of questions we received a warm wave of response from you. You all agreed on on thing: Let's keep it simple.

iA Writer 5: From Raw to Cooked to Sushi

– Technology evolves from raw to complex to simple. From the fist to the hand axe to the hammer. From carts to the Model T to Tesla. From switchboard-operated phones to digital phones to smartphones. From SMS to Facebook to Messenger. From the crude to the cooked to Sushi.