Share the best work you created in 2024. Send us your finest writing or presentation from this year for a chance to win an iA Notebook.
We’re always interested in finding and celebrating good writers and presenters. That’s why we’re launching writing and presenting awards. Show us what you created using our tools.
What we’re looking for
Writing: We accept all non-fiction and fiction, including blog posts, articles, research, academic works, lectures, short stories, novels, poems, song lyrics, and screenplays.
Presentations: A good presentation tells a good story. We’re looking for well-structured, engaging presentations.
Awards guidelines
We don’t expect you to have used iA Writer or iA Presenter exclusively. On the contrary, we love Markdown precisely because it lets you use different tools to get the job done. Just follow these guidelines to make sure that you’re eligible:
- Writing formats: Link to your work, if published. Otherwise text, Markdown, or PDF
- Presentation formats: Link to your work, if published. Otherwise PDF, video, or .iapresenter
- Number of entries: Feel free to send us two submissions: One for pure writing, and another for a presentation you made
- Language: English
What we can’t accept
While we want to keep the contest as open as possible, we do have a couple of restrictions. We can’t accept any plagiarism or AI-generated content. You can, of course, use speech-to-text tools and spelling/grammar checkers.
When and where
Submissions are open until 25 December 2024. Two (or more, depending on the submissions) winners will be announced in January 2025.
Send your submissions to [email protected]. You’re welcome to include links to your site, portfolio, blog or social media profile, which we’ll publish with the winning entries.
We’re looking forward to reading and celebrating your work!