Summer is here. Time to slow down, go on vacation, or just give yourself a breather. That also makes it the perfect opportunity to catch up on some postponed reading.

There are plenty of summer reading lists out there, showcasing shiny new releases and bestsellers. Instead, here’s a list of books that will improve your writing, presenting, or design skills. They may not be the latest hits, but they’re all works we’ve enjoyed and found useful.

If You Want to Write

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If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Spirit


Brenda Ueland



Brenda Ueland’s approach to writing is all about intuition, freedom, and enjoying the creative process. Her famous If You Want to Write encourages aspiring writers to embrace their unique voices. She puts TNT to writer’s block and pushes down the plunger. It’s now considered a precursor to many modern books about writing.

The Stroke

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The Stroke: Theory of Writing


Gerrit Noordzij



A gold nugget in any typographer’s library. Noordzij is a master of his craft, and he does a great job of breaking down complex typographical concepts into their basic element: the stroke. An short eye opening read for all typography and type design enthusiasts.

The Elements of Eloquence

Full Title

The Elements of Eloquence: How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase


Mark Forsyth



Sharp, witty and funny, The Elements of Eloquence explains the core types of rhetoric, their powers and shows you how to use them. Packed with examples from great authors, from Shakespeare to contemporary music lyrics.

Confessions of a Public Speaker

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Confessions of a Public Speaker


Scott Berkun



An autobiographical work jam-packed with practical tips on public speaking. Berkun shares relatable memories (including plenty of failures) that help demystify the job of the public speaker, along with tricks and advice he’s learned over the years. A quick, fun read.

Murder Your Darlings

Full Title

Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser


Roy Peter Clark



The reading guide of writing guides, Clark curates ideas from the best works that deal with writing. You’ll find insights from Zinsser’s On Writing Well, Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, Anne Lamott, Stephen King and many others. A practical book from one of the world’s most popular writing coaches.

We’ll be back with more recommendations in August. In the meantime, happy reading!