While the first map was hacked together in an afternoon, the second took a week, and the third devoured a month of concentrated work, the fourth Web Trend Map (due in February) has already taken more time in preparation than all previous versions combined. In light of the risk of over-stretching the concept, featuring too much data, ruining a simple idea, we decided to throw everything out the window and start completely from scratch.

Not convinced of the new design? Well, that’s not quite it… We won’t spill the beans just yet on how it’s going to work and how it’s really going to look, but following is a list of the data we’ll be using. We’d like to discuss with you what networks, websites, and trend setters should be on the Web Trend Map this year to avoid being too dictatorial. Here are some of our current suggestions for the sites and people that we think should be featured:
- WEB SITES AND NETWORKS: 163.com, 1UP, 24 Gi, 2ch.net, 4chan, 4shared, 56.com, 6.cn, A List Apart, ABC, About.com, Adaptive Path, AdBrite, Adobe, AIGA, AIM, Al-Jazeera, Alexa, Alibaba, Amazon, Amazon Japan, Amazon.de, Ameblo, Ancestry.com, Android, Answers.com, AOL, Apple, Ars Technica, Ask.com, Badongo, Baidu, BBC, Bebo, Beppegrillo, Bigpoint, Blogger, Bloomberg, BoingBoing, Boxes and Arrows, Brandchannel, BuzzMachine, Cisco, CNET, CNET Downloads, CNN, COLOURlovers, Comcast, Comedy Central, Compete, Coudal Partners, Craigslist, Creative Commons, Crooks & Liars, Crunchbase, Crunchyroll, CSS Beauty, CSS Mania, Cyworld, Daily Kos, Dailymotion, Daring Fireball, DataPortability, Dave Winer, del.icio.us, Deposit Files, Der Spiegel, Design Observer, Design Shack, Designers Republic, deviantART, DevX, Die Zeit, Digg, Discuss, Disney, Doodle, Double Click, dpreview.com, Drudge Report, Drupal, DZone, Eastmoney, Easy Share, eBay, eBay Germany, eBay UK, eBuddy, eHarmony, El Mundo, El País, Engadget, ESPN, Expedia, Facebook, FactCheck, FARK, FC2, Federated Media, FeedBurner, FileFactory, Firefox, Fireworks, Flickr, Fotolog, FOX, Friendster, Frog Design, GameFAQs, GameSpot, Gawker, Getty Images, Gizmodo, Globo, Go Fug Yourself, goo, Google, Google AdSense, Google Syndication, Google Analytics, Google Image Search, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Reader, Google News, Google Video, Google Books, Picasa, Google Groups, Google Docs, Google Earth, Google Apps, Google Finance, Google Adwords, Google Answer, Google Checkout, Google Calendar, Google Blogsearch, Picasa, AdSense, Google China, Google Espana, Google France, Google Germany, Google India, Google Indonesia, Google Italy, Google Japan, Google Mexico, Google Netherlands, Google Poland, Google Russia, Google Saudi Arabia, Google Thailand, Google Turkey, Google UK, Gutenberg, Hatena, Heise, Hi5, HowStuffWorks, Huffington Post, Hulu, ICQ, IDEO, iG, IGN, ImageShack, ImageVenue, IMDb, IMEEM, Internet Archive, isoHunt, iTunes, IXDA, Jabber, Joox, Kotaku, kottke, La Repubblica, Last.fm, Le Monde, LinkedIn, Linux, Live Messenger, Live Search, Livedoor, LiveJournal, Mail.ru, Match.com, Media Matters, MediaFire, Meebo, MegaUpload, Megavideo, Metacafe, metroFLOG, Microsoft, Migente, Miniclip, Mininova, Mixi, Monster, MOO, Mop.com, MovableType, MSN, Multiply, MyBlogLog, MySpace, MySQL, MyVideo, Naver, Netflix, Netlog, Netvibes, New York Times, Newsnetz, Newsvine, Nicovideo, Ning, NZZ, O’Reilly, Odnoklassniki, OhMyNews, Opensecrets, Opera, Orkut, Pandora, PartyPoker, PayPal, PChome.net, PDF, Peachpit, PerezHilton, Photobucket, PHP, PingMag, Plaxo, Podcast Alley, PokerStars, Python, QBN, QQ, Rakuten, RapidShare, Reddit, Rivva, Ruby, sapo, Scobleizer, Sendspace, Sina, Skype, Skyrock, Slashdot, Slate, Smashing Magazine, Snap Shots, Snarf-It, Softonic, Sohu, Something Awful, SourceForge, Starware, StatCounter, Studiverzeichnis, StumbleUpon, Subtraction, swissmiss, T-Online, Tagged, Taobao, Techcrunch, Techmeme, Technorati, Terra, The Consumerist, The Daily Show, The Economist, The Onion, The Pirate Bay, The Register, TheGuardian, ThinkGeek, TOM.COM, TorrentMatrix, TorrentReactor, Torrents, Torrentz, Tudou, Twitter, Typepad, U9, Universo Online, USA Today, UseIt, UserCash, Uwants, V Kontakte, Valleywag, Veoh, Versiontracker, Vimeo, Vnet.cn, VOX, W3C, W3Schools, Walter S. Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, WebMD, Wikipedia, Wikileaks, Wired News, Wonkette, WordPress, WRETCH, Xanga, XING, Xunlei, Yahoo!, Yahoo! Answers, Yahoo! Japan, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yandex, Y Combinator, Youku, YourFileHost, YouTube, ZeFrank, Zeldman, zShare
- WEB ENTREPRENEURS AND TREND SETTERS: Akash Garg, Alex Welch, Alexis Ohanian, Allen Blue, Anca-Alina Seghedi, Angelo Sotira, Arianna Huffington, Avinash Kaushik, Aza Raskin, Benjamin Bejbaum, Beppe Grillo, Bill Gates, Biz Stone, Bobby Chang, Brewster Kahle, Brian L. Roberts, Bruce D. Smith, Challis Hodge, Charles Geschke, Chris Anderson, Chris DeWolfe, Chris Hughes, Dalton Caldwell, Dan Nye, Darren Crystal, Dave Silfry, Dave Winer, David Heller, David Plotz, David Tokheim, Dmitry Shapiro, Drew Curtis, Elaine Wherry, Eric Boyd, Eric Schmidt, Evan Williams, Eyal Hertzog, Felix Miller, Gabe Rivera, Garrett Camp, Geoff Smith, George Bodenheimer, Gina Bianchini, Greg Forgatch, Hiroyuki Nishino, Hosea Jan Frank, Ian Anderson, Iggy Fanlo, Jason Calacanis, Jack and Alexander Levin, Jack Dorsey, Jack Ma, Jakob Lodwick, Jakob Nielsen, Janus Friis, Jean-Luc Vaillant, Jeff “CJayC” Veasey, Jeff Bezos, Jeff Jarvis, Jeffery Zeldman, Jesse James Garrett, Jim Buckmaster, Jim Coudal, Jim Jarrett, Jim Safka, Jimmy Wales, John Amato, John Battelle, John Gruber, John T. Chambers, John Warnock, Joi Ito, Jon Stewart, Jonah Peretti, Justin LaFrance, Ken Lerer, Kenji Kasahara, Kevin Rose, Khoi Vinh, Larry Page, Larry Sanger, Loic Le Meur, Marc Andreessen, Marissa Mayer, Marc Benioff, Mark Zuckerberg, Markos Moulitsas, Martin Stiksel, Matt Drudge, Matt Mullenweg, Matthew Stephens, Meg Whitman, Michael Arrington, Michael Bloomberg, Michael Dell, Mitchell Baker, Mike Jones, Neil Clark Warren, Olivier Poitrey, Paul Graham, Perez Hilton, Pete Cashmore, Pete Deemer, Peter Rojas, Ramu Yalamanchi, Reed Hastings, Rick Cecil, Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda, Robert Scoble, Robert Small, Rupert Murdoch, Sandy Jen, Seth Sternberg, Scott Jarkoff, Sean Parker, Sergey Brin, Seth Godin, Sheryl Sandberg, Steve Jobs, Steve Ballmer, Stewart Butterfield, Thomas Enraght-Moony, Tihan Presbie, Tim Berners-Lee, Tim Brown, Tim O’Reilly, Tim Sullivan, Tina Roth Eisenberg, Tom Anderson, Toni Schneider, Vince Broady, Vint Cerf
Please feel free to comment on the above list, or to suggest any websites or personalities you feel should be featured. Don’t ask us to feature your personal blog or your start-up project just because you think it’s cool. Criteria are: Either it has high relevancy in terms of traffic or it has the potential to grow into a top winner (or loser—you need to fly high to fall deep) in 2009.