We recommend you try the free 14-day trial to see if Presenter is a good match for you.
If Presenter doesn’t work as expected, please check our Support section for solutions to most issues.
Still stuck? If our Support section can’t help, please contact our dedicated support team.
If Presenter isn’t for you or you bought it by mistake, please take a look at our refunds and cancellation policy.
CANCELLATIONS: To ensure continuity of service, subscriptions are automatically renewed. Yearly subscriptions for educational plans are not automatically renewable. You can manage and cancel your subscription at You can cancel your subscription at any time before the end of the applicable billing period. The cancellation will apply to the next period.
REFUNDS: Refunds for yearly subscriptions follow the same process as refunds for purchases. You can request a refund for monthly subscriptions—just be sure to send your request within the first 48 hours after the subscription began.
Refunds for Presenter are processed via our payment processor Stripe. Depending on the payment method and/or card issuer policies, you may need to wait a while before you see your refund. You can get a full refund to the original payment method if you:
Contact our Support team by email and include the: