
With Oreo around the corner, you asked for a UI overhaul of iA Writer for Android. The native look and feel make iA Writer a top of the line Material Design app.

12,911 from 14,290 Different Devices

Android now comes in 14,290 flavors of phones and tablets. 14,290 different brands, different resolutions, different processors, screens… The image below shows the 8,075 certified devices iA Writer for Android supports. Additionally, we support over 5,000 uncertified phones and tablets. On a desktop, you can hover to see them close up. There are so many devices we had to split it into four tiles; the original image crashed the browser.

So what? You already knew that Android runs on a lot of devices, and so did we. But seeing them at once made us realize how insanely big the choice is that we have on Android. It means about a dozen devices from Apple competes with 14,290 different Android ones. That’s a choice factor of 1:1,000. Obviously, among 14,000+ contenders there must be some that are great. But each and every device had to be designed, built, marketed and sold. Designing for a gazillion phones and tablets doesn’t make our job easy, but it is exciting to see how smoothly it works in spite of that, both technically and design-wise.

What’s Next?

The biggest request from you was collaboration, in other words, iA Writer for Web. iA Writer for Android will stay free and you will be able to connect and subscribe to the Web version via the app, if you wish to. If you could tell us what you’d expect to pay for it, that would be very helpful. Please write to [email protected]. A simple email with a price as the subject would already help. If you have more to share, please don’t hold back.

As part of our commitment to continually improve iA Writer on all platforms, Android will likely be the first to gain access to the upcoming Web collaboration.


The new iA Writer for Android with Material Design offers a new Document search, an OLED optimized night mode and lots of little touches that will make you smile. We support an insane amount of different devices. In the future, we will add a Web version for collaboration.