iA Writer 5.3 is ready for iOS13. It now comes with multi-window support, Dark Mode, and Content Block improvements.
Hand in hand with Apple’s major upgrade from iOS12 to iOS13, we updated iA Writer’s feature set to match the new functionality. Most prominently, it is now possible to open multiple windows next to each other. This comes in handy when you want to compare versions, work on translations or reference a set of notes while writing.

Currently, it is not possible to open the same document in two windows. The issue we have with opening the same document twice is that the undo-history is not shared between the documents. It gets split between the two. This can lead to confusing results if you hit undo in different windows.

In the zoomed out view you can see a set of documents from afar. This comes in handy if you work on a complex project, say a book, and you need access to different documents at the same time.

iA Writer has supported night mode for a long time. We now also allow you to automatically match the color scheme to the appearance you use in your system settings.

Last but not least we added more flexibility in how we handle Content Blocks. iA Writer allows you to embed documents using the syntax “/document”. Until now, Content Blocks could only be embedded if they were in the same directory. With this update, you can use relative links across hierarchies and folders.
iA Writer 5.3 comes as a free update. So please update now if you haven’t already. The screenshots above all come from Federico Viticci’s in-depth review of iA Writer 5.3 on MacStories.net.