iA / Presenter / How To


Design Your Slides

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In the previous tutorial you learned how to format your speaker notes, text, and visuals. With that done, let’s have some fun choosing layouts and a theme.

Cut Content into Slides

To create a new slide, type three dashes --- under your content. Alternatively, press twice, or select the Slide Break option from the Text Inspector on the right.

Select Slide Layouts

To select a layout for your slide, click the + on the top-left of the Title Bar to choose from 15 different options.

The Slides picker opened from the + button on the left side of the Editor.

Choose a slide layout that best suits your content.

💡 All text and graphics you add to a slide live in cells. You may want to split content across cells by adding a single line break (press ), such as between a heading and an image. Without line breaks, all your slide elements will share the same cell—which may limit layout options.

As you create slides and add cells, Presenter will analyze your slide’s content and select the optimal layout for your text and graphics.

But how will your slides look on other displays or devices? Good news: Layouts in Presenter are responsive. That means your slides will automatically adapt to all kinds of displays, including different monitors, tablets, and phones. Your audience will see your presentation at its best, no matter what device they use. Head to the Layouts page to learn more.

Choose a Theme

Presenter comes with a selection of built-in themes named after renowned cities.

To try on different themes, open the Theme and Style menu above the Inspector on the right. Each theme has both a light and dark mode.

The Theme and Style menu, to open from the Inspector on the right.

Choose a slide layout that best suits your content.

Themes capture the essence of their namesake cities, thanks to carefully chosen color palettes and typography. For example, you’ll see a colorful and bold style for the San Francisco theme, while Milano is more restrained and stylish.

You can preview all our themes right here.

Besides choosing a theme, you can also adjust every aspect like fonts and colors, and add extra elements like footers, headers, or logos. Discover all the possibilities here.

You now know how to split your content into slides, choose layouts, and a theme. In the next tutorial you’ll learn how to use Presenter for both online and in-person talks.


Next: Practice and Present

Learn how to present online, or in person.

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