Our first iA Winterfest 2024 gift brings fresh eye candy to your devices with the iA Presenter wallpaper.

You may have noticed the colorful silhouette that frames the new Presenter icon. We enjoyed playing with the properties of physical light. Initially, we explored testing light refractions through glass. We moved on using different setups, playing with shadows, and reflections, until we ended up shining light directly onto the camera. Together with a cocktail of tricks the effect was mesmerizing.

During the long design process we generated that light using different techniques and applications. In the process we stumbled upon striking visuals. So striking, in fact, that we started using them internally as wallpapers. Now we want to share them with you.

It was all built in After Effects (no 3rd party plugins) and naturally it is an animation, which is part of our Presenter icon animation on our videos. As you might have guessed, we might offer something animated as well.

Enter your email below to get the full iA Wallpaper package for your desktop, iPad, and iPhone. We hope you love them as much as we do.

  • Get iA Presenter wallpaper