As the final gift of this year’s Winterfest, we want to let you in on a secret. We have been working on iA Presenter for iPad and iPhone for some time, and it is now robust enough for beta testing.

Initially, we didn’t think that making presentations on a mobile phone was a reasonable use case, though it quickly became the top feature request. Many of you wanted a companion app to view and edit presentations on-the-go.

We had tried other presentation apps on the iPhone before and we were far from convinced. In traditional presentation apps, you’re forced into a static aspect ratio. So when you go to edit that presentation on your iPhone or iPad, your fingers get a workout with all the pinching and zooming. Trying to move any elements around is a Sisyphean task; you’re better off waiting until you can open it on your laptop. So why should we expect anything better from iA Presenter on your iPhone?

That’s easy: iA Presenter already has a responsive design that automatically adjusts to all screen sizes. Presentations are no longer static, built for a single aspect ratio. This means you’re no longer trapped in the pinch and zoom world—you’re free. Realizing this, we got to work, and we’re now ready to give you a peek.

Make your presentation directly from your iPhone.

Soon, you won’t have to rely on your laptop for last-minute tweaks. In fact, iA Presenter for iPad and iPhone isn’t only for little adjustments to an existing presentation. As iA Presenter’s workflow is text-first, you can build your whole presentation completely on your mobile device in a flash.

Join the beta waitlist

Are you already familiar with iA Presenter for Mac and are willing to help us in testing iA Presenter for iPad and iPhone? You’re welcome to apply for our beta-testing program!

Please note that acceptance into the beta program is limited. We have a hard limit imposed by TestFlight. More importantly, we won’t be able to handle too many testers. Priority will be given to customers who are ready to give feedback and are subscribed to (or have purchased) iA Presenter for Mac.

  • Join iA Presenter Beta Waitlist

When is the full release?

We don’t have an estimated time of arrival for the official launch and we won’t share additional information about the app now. No need to reach out through email or on social media seeking updates. As always with us, we unveil products when they are ready.

The best way to be informed about any updates related to iA Presenter for iPad and iPhone is to subscribe to the iA Newsletter below on this page.

With this final gift, we conclude iA Winterfest 2023. You can still join the iA Presenter beta waitlist there and sign up for all the other presents, too. We hope you had fun with us this month! iA Team will be on a New Year break from December 29th to January 3rd. Please be patient if you don’t hear from us right away; we will contact the first batch of selected beta testers in January.

Best wishes for the holiday season from the entire team!