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Export Windows

iA Writer for Windows is a plain-text editor but, with a plethora of ways to export your text, it helps you produce beautiful and professional documents.

Export Formats

Writer for Windows lets you export a document to various formats.

Format Notes
PDF | .pdf Universal format that’s great for sharing and for printing at a later time. Template styling is applied and locked in so you can share beautiful finished documents
MS Word | .docx Widely recognized and accepted document format. Great for sharing content that will later be edited, formatted or styled in Word.
HTML | .html The language of the web. Great for sharing a documents’s content to popular blogging or content management systems (CMS).
Markdown | .md Unformatted, unstyled, plain-text file format which can be opened across a wide range of systems and apps. Preserves your original MD syntax so you can work with this in other Markdown editors/apps.

You can export your file by navigating to menu: FileExport

iA Writer for Windows export

PDF Export Options

PDF documents exported via FileExport… use the same options as FilePrint…. You can directly select either A4 or Letter paper size from the PDF export dialogue box.

To change format options like adding title page, headers, or footers, go to menu: FileSettingsTemplates.

iA Writer for Windows template settings

Importing Text

Import a Microsoft® Office document

iA Writer for Windows lets you import Microsoft Word .docx documents, and will convert basic formatting to the equivalent Writer flavored Markdown formatting. You can import .docx documents via the menu: FileImport. Then, select the .docx file you’d like to import

MS Word Markdown

The following formatting can be converted when importing from or exporting to .docx files:

iA Writer Formatting Markdown Conversion MS Word Formatting
Emphasis * or _ Italics
Importance ** or __ Bold
Underline Doesn’t exist Underline
Strikethrough ~ Strikethrough
Inline code ` Code character style
Links []() Hyperlinks
Reference links [][] Hyperlinks
Image alt text ![…]() “[…]”
Headings ####### Heading 1-6 styles
Unordered lists * or - or + Bulleted list style
Ordered lists 1. Numbered list style
Blockquote > Quote style

Styling: While export converts formatting (e.g. bold text) your exported document’s styling (including font, font size, colours, etc.) should be manipulated in MS Word.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.

Export, Share, Print

Import Export Share Mac

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Export Share Print iPhone

iA Writer for iPhone is a plain-text editor but, with a plethora of ways to export your text, it helps you produce beautiful and professional documents. You can export your files either from: The Editor or Preview by tapping the iOS sharing button The Library, with a long press on a file and select Export...

Export Share Print iPad

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Export and Print Android

iA Writer for Android is no longer for sale. Here is why. iA Writer for Android is a plain-text editor but, with a plethora of ways to export your text, it helps you produce beautiful and professional documents. Export Formats Writer for Android lets you export a document to various formats. Format Notes PDF |

Export Windows

iA Writer for Windows is a plain-text editor but, with a plethora of ways to export your text, it helps you produce beautiful and professional documents. Export Formats Writer for Windows lets you export a document to various formats. Format Notes PDF | .pdf Universal format that’s great for sharing and for printing at a