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Bullshit: Bullshit is an attitude that ignores truth. It does whatever it can to gain an advantage with the lowest possible effort. A bullshitter’s sole concern is profiting from making you believe what serves them well. Bullshitters pretend to know what they don’t know, do what they cannot do, sell what they don’t own, and care about things they don’t care about. Note that bullshitters are not liars. Liars are concerned about the truth because they want to make you believe what they know is not true. What bullshitters say may or may not be true. Quite often bullshit is delivered in such a way that it could be verified or justified at a later point. Bullshit’s disregard for the truth makes it hard to deal with—particularly in young and complex fields like design and tech where few people have enough experience to speak from experience. Since a lot of money can be made in this field through mere pretension and greatness by association, bullshit is abundant in tech because "the production of bullshit is stimulated whenever a person’s obligations or opportunities to speak about some topic are more excessive than his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic.” (Harry Frankfurt). See also Artificial Intelligence.

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