iA / Dictionary / C / Conference


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Conference: The expression “heard at a conference” or “they say at conferences” is used for a Design method that sounds good in theory but leads to no useful results in practice. The exclamation “Conferences!” suggests that the more you attend conferences the better you speak and the less you’ll know what you are talking about—since you have no time to get work done. In theory you may gain business through a conference. However, as your service degrades you’ll lose your main source of revenue: recurring business from a happy client, which includes introductions from your first client to another. Several techniques help deal with the conundrum. For example, you can repeat and perfect the same speech, or limit your speeches to a handful of venues within driving distance. But they all run counter to the dream of being able to live off acting like a design genius without actually working. There are nevertheless a few conferences that you should attend because they are fun. Most conferences are not, because they precede the time where web design agency business was still a serious business and design conferences met an industrial need.

Articles related to Conference

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