iA / Dictionary / G / GDPR


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GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation, issued by the EU. The attention economy runs on private data. Therefore corporations try to accumulate up as much private data as possible. In opposition to the general mispractice, the EU has created a set of laws that prohibit indiscriminate data collection. The GDPR sometimes gets falsely called the Cookie Banner Law. The tech optimist fraction believes that tech corporations should not be regulated in any way. Whether it's their quest to collect private data or their will to dominate their market sector, corporations should do as theiy please. Anti-regulation advocates try to prove their point by quoting the GDPR the "cookie banner law." The idea is that we have all these banners asking for consent because the EU doesn't understand the Internet. The truth is: 1. The ePrivacy Directive (not the GDPR) requires websites to obtain user consent for non-essential cookies. And thats not a bad thing. 2. "There is no EU cookie banner law." (Bitecode) 3. "The EU does not mandate cookie banners. Companies do." (AmazingCTO).