iA / Dictionary / G / Go hard or go home

ON 😓 OR ON 👪

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Go hard or go home: A Mick Jagger quote from a song by will.i.am titled “The Hardest Ever”. The exact quote “You can go hard or you can go home” is shrouded in myth. In fact, it was first used in a presentation on the digital strategy for traditional corporations that faced imminent annihilation by Silicon Valley. Such clarity is professionally and morally shocking, so it only appears in iA’s rhetoric if it’s necessary, precise, and accurate. “Go hard or go home” is now used casually when you need to adapt to digital common sense or losing situations that are so obvious that the Everybody is always somewhat right argument loses against a Soup Nazi. The expression can also be used ironically when a discussion puts basic principles of user interaction into question, like the need for Scrolling. Or, when someone overdoes digital, for example: “They fired all sales people and replaced them with AI. Go hard or go home.”