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Google: Synonym for Search. Sometimes used to describe a once big name in the fading ad world. Google became known for camouflaging ads as search results, which turbo charged the erosion of user trust. To stay on brand they decided to drop the corporate motto "Don't be evil" and started operating under the James Bond villain pseudonym "Alphabet". Facebook, predictably, copied that tactic. Instead of asking us what we want to buy next, Google finds new creative ways to spy on what we do in our bathrooms and bedrooms. Their business model isn’t primarily about being creepy; it’s about selling ad services to people who need to push more rubber boots, umbrellas, and toasters. The ads service doesn't really work. These ads do bot yield more money than they cost—there’s no perpetuum mobile. Yet, since the process is opaque, few except the EU have questioned Google’s sketchy business model. Google continues to release half-baked products, but their employees are still lucky, enjoying generous pay, stock options, and free snacks. Despite Google’s rough handling of its Android acquisition, the platform remains the go-to for those who avoid spending big on iPhones, making it the globally dominant platform. Google pays Apple over $20 billion to secure its spot as the default search engine on iOS, celebrating and congratulating Apple for its de facto market dominance. Distinguishing between Apple, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft used to be crucial in the attention economy. However, as Artificial Intelligence is making everything the same these distinctions might only matter to shareholders.

Articles related to Google

On Monopolies, Apple, and Epic

Google has built a complete monopoly on search. Amazon uses the sales data of its resellers to continuously expand and solidify market dominance. Facebook copies the competitors that they can’t bully into being bought to keep their dominant market position. Apple is partying in antitrust land forcing its competitors to hand out 30% of its revenue. The game is rigged. And no one is enforcing the rules. Except for Epic, the maker of one of the most successful games of all time.

Mit einem Blogpost am Rad der Weltgeschichte gedreht

Am 12. Januar 2010 meldete Google in einem Blogeintrag wie ein Blitz aus heiterem Himmel, dass man eine "neue Herangehensweise" an China ins Auge fasse. Man sei nicht weiter bereit, die Suchresultate der chinesischen Google-Suchmaschine zu zensurieren.

webapp的死闘:Google vs Apple



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