iA / Dictionary / N / Not just bad


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Not just bad: Synonym for "total failure". The opposite of real. The full expression is “This is not just bad, it’s just simply nothing.” Derived from a legendary pre-iA era takedown: “Das ist nicht einfach nur schecht, das ist schlichtweg einfach nichts!” which is one of the harsher things you can say in German, a language not known for its subtlety or shyness. There's a Japanese version, which can only be uttered in jest, because otherwise it would simply not be understood: "駄目だけじゃなくて、全然意味がない." The English or German expression can be preceded or doubled down on with the authoritarian, deceived expression "Just look at it." A similar feeling of deception can be expressed somewhat ironically with the words "Is this l'art pour l'art?"