iA / Dictionary / R / Rhetoric Canon


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Rhetoric Canon: A means to construct a convincing story as 1. Idea > 2. Structure > 3. Style > 4. Practice > 5. Delivery. Can be easily remembered with the five fingers of the hand. 1. Thumbs up: Good idea. 2. Index pointing in a direction: Structure. 3. Middle Finger: An (cross reference: oxymoron) for style. 4. Ring finger: Remember your symbols. 5. Little finger: If you did 1-4 with diligence the delivery is the smallest thing. It’s tempting to see 1-5 as a linear process—but it isn’t. For example, practicing a speech often leads to structural changes, which in turn affect style and delivery. And your delivery will lead to rethinking your idea, structure, choice of words, etc. See also: Story