iA / Dictionary / T / The Future


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The Future: No one knows the future. We can draw lines from the past into the future but these lines are always speculative. Superficial people will think that the current hype is the future. Tech hipsters will always pick the counter trend, and miss out on the hype business. People who try to think ahead need to be skeptical of both the hype and the counter hype. Unfortunately, if you are skeptical of both the trend and counter trend both hypsters and hipsters will ignore you.

Articles related to The Future

Turning the Tables on AI

AI is sold to make us think less... How about using AI not to think less but *more*?

AI and the End of Writing

Soon, we won't need to write much any longer. Artificial Intelligence will do it for us.

Subscription or no subscription? That is not the question.

Companies selling apps via subscriptions use drama to sell: "Either subscription or we die.”