iA / Writer / 中国话


在一个专注的环境中做笔记、写作、编辑,让你心无旁骛。iA Writer通过其简洁而不张扬的界面,让您沉浸于文字创作之中,享受纯粹写作的乐趣。这款应用虽风格简约,却提供了众多专为写作而设计的独特功能。

















摆脱冗词赘句、陈腔滥调和重复用语。iA Writer的“风格检查”功能就像您的私人写作教练,随时帮您润色文章,让您的文字更加生动有趣。这一功能可迅速识别并剔除文章中的枯燥语言和陈词滥调,增强文字的吸引力。支持英语、法语和德语。



边打字边转换格式,让你下笔 *如有神*。 在iA Writer中,您可以使用Markdown轻松创造格式精美的文本,全神贯注于写作,流畅输入,无需为格式问题分心。






关联你的笔记。 串联你的构思,让你的思绪飞扬。







点击发光的前进箭头即可导览维基链接。iA Writer的“导航”功能让您在文档和笔记间的切换轻而易举。快速跳转至相关内容,保持在创作流程中的专注。



在你所处理的文档之间轻松来回移动。如同浏览器,iA Writer 同样能浏览文档的历史记录。只需点击标题栏中的“上一页”或“下一页”即可。笔记的关联从未如此有趣。





将图片拖放到文档中来嵌入图片。Markdown语法处理图片可能令人困惑且难以记住,但iA Writer让这一过程变得简单。您只需使用标准的Markdown语法或输入文件名,便可轻松地将图片嵌入文本。此外,iA Writer还支持嵌入其他文本文件和表格,丰富您的写作内容。



写作开头难。现在就选择你喜欢的模板。大功告成!iA Writer的模板功能使您在写作时不受格式问题的干扰,完成后选择心仪模板即可令作品呈现专业外观和感觉,无需额外劳心。



以HTML、Word或PDF格式发布你的作品。您还可以直接从iA Writer中将作品导出为HTML、Word或PDF格式,轻松与普罗大众或特定受众分享您的作品,同时保持原始格式不变。无缝轻松转换,无需为格式或技术问题大费周章。






“如果想要一款界面更简洁的写作应用[…],可以体验一下iA Writer,它的屏幕上几乎没有按钮和控件等复杂元素。该应用的书写界面从外观和感觉上借鉴了传统的打字机,就连打字的字体也很像。这款应用最智能的功能是它的“专注模式”,除了你正在处理的那一行或那一段之外,文档中的其他一切内容都会淡化。这种设计方式与使用传统打字机一样,让你的目光聚焦在你刚刚在纸上打出的字上。iA Writer的另一项巧妙功能是,你可以用不同的颜色高亮标示形容词、名词、动词等,这可以防止文本的过度修饰。最终结果预览模式干净利落,可以显示文档在传统图书版式下打印的效果。该应用还提供了一些传统的文字处理技巧,如查找和替换,并且文本导出格式能够兼容其他文字处理器,包括Microsoft Word”。 –现在你可以在地铁上写出精彩的小说了

“对于写作者来说,无论是学生、专业人士,还是胸怀大志的作家,最能令文章好手放飞文思(或者最令不善此道者望而生畏)的就是莫过于空白页面。iA Writer Pro将这一原则在屏幕上发扬光大,剔除了其他应用程序和菜单栏,让用户心无旁骛地沉浸于写作之中。但这款应用的精妙设计并不仅限于此;它的语法功能可以高亮标示形容词、名词、动词、副词和其他用语,让你的语句表达更加清晰明确。它可以删减修饰语,让你的散文行文更加紧凑精炼,还可以加强动词效果,让你的语句更加出彩、抓人眼球。” –为全新Mac提供的10款最佳应用

“过去几年里最成功的iPad文字处理应用之一无疑就是iA Writer,这款工具简洁利落,不像那些复杂的程序那样,总有各种选项、字体选择和纠正建议等令人分心的事物。它吸粉无数的原因就在于把一件事做到简单至极,它的创始人Oliver Reichenstein把它比作瑞士军刀丛中的一把手术刀——去除繁杂功能,奉献极简利器。iA Writer充分证明了简洁易用对于界面、应用程序或服务的商业成功是何等有利,即便是软件界的“新兵”想要对抗同行的大佬巨头,这条秘诀也同样管用。” –极简设计总是制胜法宝


“….一个干净、无干扰的环境…一款为Markdown爱好者打造的纯文本编辑器。” –为说服性文章写作提供便利的工具

“iA Writer的主要特点是没有繁杂的功能。该程序本质上就是一块白色的长方形,用户除了输入自定义的等宽字体外,几乎没有其他操作可选。没有页眉、页脚、绘图工具,也没有聒噪的回形针形象的助手。极简的界面使用Markdown(一种简单的格式化语言)中的特殊字符来设置文本粗体、斜体或以其他方式转换文本。这种方式鼓励写作者双手不离键盘、思想不离文字。” –“无干扰”设备能否改变我们的写作方式?

Our customers

Since 2012 iA Writer has helped over 2 million people focus and express their thoughts. iA Writer can help you too.

“My favorite iOS app for writing in Markdown, without question, is iA Writer iA Writer is just beautiful. To me it’s the gold standard for Markdown syntax styling — great colors, real italic and bold styling for _italic_ and **bold** spans, and, my very favorite touch, outdented #’s for headings. iA Writer is even so presumptuous as to only use its own custom typefaces: Mono, Duo, and Quattro. But they pull it off — all three of iA Writer’s typefaces are very good (I’m a Duo man myself). The best way I can put it is that iA Writer is a classy app. BBEdit and MarsEdit are like pint glasses or coffee mugs. Occasionally, though, the mood calls for an elegant champagne flute. That’s iA Writer for me.” –John Gruber, Creator of Markdown

“Like many professional writers, I reluctantly used Microsoft Word, and Apple’s Pages worked slightly better for me, but I still felt that it had too many distractions. When I write, I want to be able to concentrate on ideas, words, phrases and storylines. The last thing I need is software nagging me with features irrelevant to the writing process. Since I discovered iA Writer, I’ve used it as my main writing tool. It has the simplicity of a typewriter, which is why I love it. It’s just letters, sentences and paragraphs that form angles, headlines, narratives, articles and scripts. There’s no noise, no interference and no clutter. There’s also no hiding from what you really need to do, which is to wrestle with words and craft a compelling read.” –Dimitri Michels, Senior Copywriter, Amsterdam.

“I’m not a professional writer, but I write for recreation and the cleanness of the iA writer platform really helps me get into a mood where writing is relaxing. I used to write in MS Word, Pages and Google Docs. But writing felt very structured and less driven by creativity. After finding iA Writer, writing has become more of a flow. I find I’m not concerned at all by end formatting or choosing a font. And I’m not distracted by menu bars, which is a plus when working on a smaller screen like an iPad Pro.” –Kenneth Saw, Project Manager, Australia.

“My creative writing work was a disorganized mess of files before iA Writer. Finding iA Writer brought clarity, organization, and regular, focused writing. I have written the best poetry of my life in iA Writer.” –Dan Knauss, Web Designer, Writer, Canada.

“As a volunteer, I teach a course in programming and general nerdiness to a group of children on the autistic spectrum. It turned out that it wasn’t all that easy to find the right course material and I ended up writing it myself and turning it into something of a proper book. Seeing the children actually use my material and improve themselves, having fun with it, changed something in me, but I think also in those children. Some of them really found their future in what we were teaching them. I doubt that I would’ve undertaken writing that course material if I wasn’t confident that my editor wouldn’t be in my way.” –David van Gemeren, Creative Director, Netherlands.

“Before I started using iA Writer I was, to put it bluntly, all over the place and too easily distracted. Writer changed all that for me. I immediately fell in love with the beautiful streamlined look and feel of the app. No distractions, a beautiful uncluttered look and an elegant typeface. This all meant that the writing flowed more easily. The year after iA Writer was launched, I used it to write a story which was performed on the radio, and at a literary festival, winning a major radio award here in Ireland. That story pretty much was the real start of my writing life. Since then I have had many short stories, poems and non-fiction articles published and broadcast on national and local radio.” -Patrick Griffin, Writer, Ireland

“Before iA Writer, I didn’t really write much. But at some point I was looking for a simple Markdown editor. Three years later, I find myself using this editor to think. I write my process, then grind over it to find flaws until I make things clear. The documents I deliver to my team benefit from this too. But the outcome I had never expected was something else. I just began writing fiction. I can not recall why or when, I had not put two words together for pure leisure probably since I was twelve, but suddenly, I felt compelled, there was something inside me trying to get out, and now a monster of hundreds of thousands of words is taking all my free time, and I am happier than ever. I started writing a thriller, spies in the middle of a made-up war in the nineties. But this year real life struck me hard and I switched to romance, looking for something cheerier. Also with spies, of course. One can never get enough spies in a story. I will never know whether iA Writer had anything to do with this or not, but I feel confident it did because I had not felt so comfortable using a piece of software before. It doesn’t get in my way, it is calm but inviting, inspiring in its raw elegance. It just feels right. I dare to say iA Writer helped me see how much I can love writing.” -Inmaculada Bermejo Salar, UX Designer, Writer, Spain

“I’m dyslexic, and I found other writing tools such as Pages and Microsoft Word very difficult to use. I also work as a digital designer, so I spent a lot of time instead of writing trying to make the page look pretty – this was probably a coping mechanic lol. I’ve been using iA Writer for about two years now, and personally, I find it much easier to write. Markdown forces me to focus on my writing, making the process a lot easier for me. I’m no longer worried about fonts, layouts, sizing, etc. I also love the syntax highlighting tool – it really helps me focus with my dyslexia; as sentences become colourful, each word becomes easier to distinguish. I feel a whole lot more confident writing nowadays now that I have iA writer. I have both the iOS and Mac versions. As both versions work together, I find myself confidently writing on my iPhone / iPad, knowing that I will pick it up once I’m back on my Mac – it’s great!” –Rizwaan Akhtar, Digital Designer, United Kingdom

“I write academic papers, translations, book chapters, and the like using iAW. Before switching, I wrote much less frequently and in lesser quantities than I do now. The beauty and clarity of the tool imparts a measure of beauty and clarity to my prose. The medium is the message, as Marshall McLuhan said. I think his insight proves true in my particular case insofar as iAW speeds up my thought, declutters my awareness, and draws my attention. The tool itself reminds me of my favorite book on writing: Strunk and White’s _Elements of Style_, particularly Strunk’s rule Omit needless words. By omitting all that is not needed in a writing tool, the tool itself becomes as concise and elegant as the prose that it is meant to capture. Now, even in the midst of academic administrative duties, I find it possible to write at least two serious original conference papers a year, and this year I have already managed to double that productivity. iA Writer is easily one of my most important and beloved tools.” –Andrew Hayes, Division Dean, Associate Professor, Texas

“Before I found iA Writer I used to write much less and the tools I used to write on my computer were confusing and frustrating. These days, I use iA Writer for absolutely everything: from drafting a short email, making to-do lists, to outlining a major article or book chapter. I can’t begin to describe the pleasure I get from an evening writing session, laptop sitting on my uncluttered desk, iA Writer on full-screen + dark appearance + focus sentence mode. The blue cursor blinking at the centre of my screen triggers a deep desire to put words down, follow a train of thought, elaborate on an idea… I have been trying to significantly cut down on my screen-time, but I can’t imagine my life without iA Writer; it is an integral part of my workflow as a writer (I’m a professor, so I have to write papers and prepare lectures constantly). iA Writer is the perfect tool to draft a text. It is a pleasure to use, like a perfectly sharp knife. I wrote my entire PhD thesis on iA Writer. It felt like discovering a magical sword on the third-act of a hero’s journey. Thank you for all your work through the years. iA Writer has changed my relationship with writing; I feel the same connection to this software that old-time writers used to feel with their typewriters.” –João Ferreira, Assistant Professor (Design), Portugal

“Discovering iA Writer and Markdown changed my life! It was so clear and simple yet super efficient. I often have problems concentrating for a long period of time and get massive headaches. I found myself writing faster using iA because I’m not bothered by formatting or exporting. I just have to write my stuff and I know it will be fine. I love the minimalist style which is kind with my eyes and focus mode, like a typewriter, reminds me of when I was playing with my grandfather’s. This year I left a job I didn’t like to become a full time freelance writer and you played a great role in this. You help me to stay focused and efficient without distraction. It’s precious nowadays. Because of this, I have more time to spend with my family. My sister lives in Switzerland and my writing best friend in Japan. It makes me smile to see iA is like us.” –Cécile Biaudet, Writer, SEO, France

“Astonishingly simple. Everything goes away except for the writing experience.” – Stephen Fry describing his iA Writer experience in 2010 when asked about his favorite apps on the iPad

iA Notebook Preorder

The iA Notebook is handcrafted and bound in Japan. Expect the first batch to ship in July, 2024. Visit the store to preorder.