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Entropy: Arch enemy. Nemesis. Entropy is the mathematical opposite of Information and the antidote to Redundancy. Digital entropy in information systems does to our minds what we are currently doing to our environment. You counter Digital entropy by changing processes.

Articles related to Entropy

Information Entropy

Will information technology affect our minds the same way the environment was affected by our analogue technology? Designers hold a key position in dealing with ever increasing data pollution. We are mostly focused on speeding things up, on making sharing easier, faster, more accessible. But speed, usability, accessibility are not the main issue anymore.

Future of Journalism: A Little Bit of Everything Please

Recently, there has been a quality renaissance in the discussion about the economic future of journalism. While some are still touting the one miracle solution (usually alluding to Google’s business model and success), a lot of ideas have arisen that will probably make up for the economic future of journalism as a whole. Time for a summary.

Social Media Marketing? Kaboom, Baby!

"Social media marketing" is bullshit. If that upsets you, don't read the following text.

Data Gourmet

The IT-Revolution promised to free and enrich us. To free us from propaganda, to free us from mindless TV, to free us from advertisement torture, and to enrich us by letting machines do all the boring work so we'd have more free time. So, how did it go?

Predictions for 2008

This year we have seven predictions. If they are as accurate as last year’s, we should make this a paid service.

Looking Back on 2007

Here’s what we said was going to happen in 2007 one year ago, compared to what really happened…

Pushers and Spammers Should Pay

The amount of spam and flooding blogs and mailboxes is getting worse and worse and worse. How should we stop it?