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Oxymoron: (cross-reference: Rhetorical) device. Combining contradictory terms like “bittersweet,” “deafening silence,” “organized chaos,” “black milk” or “living dead” to create a surprising effect. Oxymorons can highlight the complexity or duality of a situation, feeling, or concept. They can make statements more striking and memorable. By combining contradictory terms, oxymorons prompt readers to think more deeply about the meaning and implications of a phrase, encouraging reflection and analysis. Oxymorons are popular rhetorical devices to add a humorous or ironic twist. They play with expectations and can evoke a smile. In poetry and prose, oxymorons can contribute to a more nuanced and layered narrative. Oxymorons can be used to draw attention to the contrast within a concept, thereby enhancing the reader’s understanding of the subject.

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