iA / Dictionary / B / Buzzwords


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Buzzwords: Buzzwords are not categorically Bullshit, but keep in mind that the tech industry reinvents its vocabulary every couple of years to sell something old as something new. This is how internet marketers turned into web 2.0 consultants in 2004 then transformed into social media marketing specialists circa 2010. When talking to design firms, watch for people saying things like: "We apply cognitive science and design thinking to create empathy and authenticity through agile and carefully curated storytelling to provide your company with a flat, engaging, hand-crafted, cloud-based and mobile-first experience design to make your brand ready for the future of Artificial Intelligence in the sharing economy of the Internet of Things.” If you’re exposed to such buzzwords, you risk hiring a company that wants to take advantage of your delayed Digital Transformation. And if you persist, you’ll likely be charged $15,000 per “hand-crafted” or “curated” X post that nobody wants to read to begin with.

Articles related to Buzzwords

“Good design is invisible” (The Verge)

Since iA's work is informed by its presence in Europe and Asia, The Verge wanted to know our thoughts on the differences between the two, and in particular where he sees the state of Japanese design right now.

Social Media Marketing? Kaboom, Baby!

"Social media marketing" is bullshit. If that upsets you, don't read the following text.

The Age of Digital Baroque

After all, blogging is over now, isn't it? Very probably so.

Predictions for 2008

This year we have seven predictions. If they are as accurate as last year’s, we should make this a paid service.

Looking Back on 2007

Here’s what we said was going to happen in 2007 one year ago, compared to what really happened…