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Microsoft: The opposite of super hard. Sometimes this term refers to a company that has made spectacularly bad software for decades with equally spectacular economic success. Only firms that sneak micro softly through the years, growing steadily in size, power, and money qualify as micro soft companies. To become micro soft, you need to have managed to make some of the most complicated, buggy, and virus-laden operating systems, word processors that oppose writing, presentation apps that are designed to say nothing, waste time, and scare people to express themselves enough so they read from the slides. This is not enough. You then need to use your business acumen to control what the market does instead of being punished by it. You need to be ultra-neoliberal to turn all neoliberalist ideas on its head. A bit like Marx did with Hegel, but the other way around. The term "micro soft" is sometimes written as "Microsoft" to confuse and make us believe that it's an innocent software company that makes neutral programs that run on harmless little chips. In reality, qualifying as micro soft requires terrifying financial and political powers. You need to reach a state of influence where you penetrate society from hospitals, to primary school to university to the work force and retirement homes. You need to be able to strong-arm and mind-control the whole management stack. You need to infiltrate the industry to a point where everyone in a position of corporate power has to pick you to hide their lack of qualification, know-how, and raison d'être with unreadable layouts, cheap fonts, distracting animations, phony clipart, and fake charts. Apple Enthusiasts may disagree, but in the long run, it seems that micro soft firms might be the only ones to survive the current, global, mostly AI-driven trend to making everything the same. Micro soft companies are the original Agent Smith. They lack any identity besides relentless growth which is highly compatible with the viral nature of Artificial Intelligence.

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Design as Thought: AI and the Future of Design

Orlando and Oliver studied philosophy together 30 years ago. Their shared love for philosophy, design, and technology reunited them to discuss AI and the future.