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Syntax Highlight: A pro writing tool in iA Writer for people who know how to use parts of speech to improve their writing. Used for hunting down adjectives and adverbs, finding phoney conjunctions, weak verbs and repetitions. We hate to explain the feature and fail to explain it well. It seems obvious to us, so we get to upset when we try to explain it calmly. Foreign language teachers love it.

Articles related to Syntax Highlight

iA Writer 7: Whoa, Feedback!

We needed to make sure that everyone understood what we do and, especially, do not do. How did it go?

iA Writer 7

iA Writer dims the text you paste from AI tools. As you edit ChatGPT's input and make it your own, iA Writer keeps track of what is yours and what isn't.

iA Writer 6: Now with Lasers

In 2010, the original iA Writer introduced focused writing with Markdown. Twelve years later, iA Writer opens the doors to a simple and friendly knowledge management system with wikilinks.

Syntax Control, Individual Scroll, Snippets

iA Writer for Windows 1.3 is the biggest update the platform has ever seen. It's available to download right now and comes as a free update for existing users.

iA Writer Comes in Colors

In 2013, iA Writer introduced Syntax Control: syntactic highlighting as an editing feature. We kept it minimal: only one part of speech at a time, in blue. With version 3.1, iA Writer breaks out of its minimalist straitjacket. Syntax Control now highlights parts of speech in blue, yellow, orange, purple and green. She’s a rainbow.