iA / Presenter / Support / Action


With Sharing, you can publish your presentation as a temporary static site and share its link with your audience.

The Sharing feature is currently in beta testing. If you’d like to join the beta program, please apply here.

Anyone whom you share the link with can view your slides in their favorite browser, responsively on desktop or mobile.

Upload your Presentation

Within each presentation, you can access the sharing function in 2 ways:

Click on Upload to generate a shared presentation with a link. For each upload, one unique link is generated and the presentation will be available online for 4 weeks.1

Our servers are situated in Eastern Europe, but data can be cached by the Content Delivery Network at the nearest location to the viewers of your links. While the public links are highly unlikely to be guessed, note that the content you share will be accessible to anyone who has been given the public link.

Manage your Shares

Easily manage your shared presentations from the Sharing Manager. To open the Sharing Manager

In the Sharing Manager, you can:

Each iA Presenter user is provided with a complimentary 1GB allocation for one year. Shared Presentations links are automatically deleted within 4 weeks.1 If needed, you can purchase more storage space.2

Delete or Update

If you want to stop sharing your presentation online, you can do so from:

In the Sharing Panel, mouse over the desired presentation version. A button with 3 dots will appear, giving you access to a context menu including a Delete… option.

Deleting a shared presentation will bring users with the provided link to a 404 page.

If you have updated your presentation and want to share this new version online, you can do so without deleting the previous one. Click on Update then on Public Link. The two links (the previous version and the new version) are hosted on different static pages and can coexist

What Your Audience Sees

When you share a presentation online, you can share both your slides and speaker notes, by default. You can also elect to share slides-only versions. The presentation will appear responsively, adapting to your viewer’s device.

There is an information box at the top of the presentation viewer (marked with a little i). It explains to your audience how to navigate slides and enable/disable the speaker notes. There is also an option for viewers to report any content that would violate our Terms and Conditions.

iA Sharing Main iA Sharing Info

When Speaker Notes are enabled, they appear at the bottom of the slides, just like subtitles or karaoke lyrics.

iA Sharing Speaker Notes On

  1. Storage duration and space allocation are provided on a promotional basis during beta. These limits are subject to change and may differ at public launch. 

  2. Details on additional storage options will be provided at a later date. 

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.


Presentation Mode

How to use the teleprompter: read your notes and get a preview of your slides.

Navigate Your Slides

Use either your mouse, keyboard, or remote controller and learn how to customize the navigation keys.

Presenting Online

Use Presenter with third-party software such as Zoom, Loom, or Google Meet for an online Presentation.

Presenting Onsite

How to use Presenter in a face-to-face situation with projectors or smart TVs.


Share your presentation to your audience as Markdown, PDF, HTML, PPTX or Images.


With Sharing you can publish your presentation as a temporary static site and share its link with your audience.

Social Media

A detailed walkthrough on exporting and sharing your presentation on social networks.