iA / Presenter / Support / Visuals


The easiest way to add local videos to your presentation is to drag and drop them into the Editor. The Visual Tab of the Inspector provides as well a YouTube integration tool.

Note that in the article below, we will call container the available space to place your videos. Depending on the layout, it can be the full slide, a column, or just a cell, in the case of a grid.

Supported Formats

Format Extension
M4V .m4v
Moving Picture Expert Group 4 .mp4
Quicktime .mov


The traditional Markdown syntax for images and videos ![](video.mov) is supported but we recommend the simplest Content Blocks Syntax.

You can then simply use the path of the video to display in Presenter. Presenter uses two special “virtual” folders:

When using the YouTube integration tool, simply copy/paste the URL from YouTube in the dialog box of Presenter.

The Visuals Tab

The Visuals Tab, available on the right side of the Inspector allows you to:

Controlling Local Videos

Local video size and position can be controlled when using the Content Blocks Syntax, using meta-data. You can set them using the dropdown arrow ⬇️ at the end of the video’s path.


1. Cover

The video is resized to entirely cover the available space while preserving its aspect ratio. If it does not match the aspect ratio of its container, the video will be clipped.

2. Contain

The video should fill the available space while preserving its aspect ratio, so it will be “letterboxed” if its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the container.


It is important to know that vertical or horizontal positions are only available depending on the aspect ratio of the video and its container.

You have the choice between:

Filter and Opacity

You can add filters (Lighten, Darken, Grayscale, Sepia, Blur) to your videos or opacity. Note that those options are more often useful when working with images instead of videos.

Note that the above options are not available for videos from YouTube. We recommend adding those to an empty slide to have them displayed on full-scale on the slide.

Video Settings

In Settings, you’ve got a couple of tweaks for local videos:

To change these, just head to Settings → Presentation → Content.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.



Select a theme and slightly tweak it from the Design Menu


Add your text and images, and Presenter picks the right layout for you.


Adding images to your presentations is as simple as a drag and drop.


How to add local videos and use the YouTube integrator tool.


Explore the variety of themes offered in the app and the design principles that shaped each of them.

Custom Themes

For those comfortable with coding, built a custom theme from scratch with HTML and CSS.