Add high-quality photos in your presentations in one click.
Presenter now lets you search for and insert Unsplash images directly into presentations. Easily find high-quality photos to use as content or backgrounds, without ever leaving the app.
Presenter automatically includes image metadata and adds attributions and captions directly to your slides using Content Block syntax.
Fine-tune your slides using iA Presenter’s image syntax to add alignment, filters, and more!
A New Export Inspector
We’ve redesigned the export options to be more user-friendly and easier to find. The new Inspector lets you tweak exports with greater control.
We’ve also added the ability to export PDFs and images with specific aspect ratios, so you can get the exact output you need without changing your original design.
iA Presenter 1.2 – Build 12020
Captions on Images
On the very top of your feature request list was the ability to add a small caption to an image, mostly, so one could easily cite its source.
It has been designed to let the maximum place for your photos and also supports slides with multiple images.
How it works: Write your caption in straight quotes after the file. /file.jpg “This is your caption”
New Aspect Ratios: AKA—iA Presenter for Your Social Networks
We have a growing set of users who are also taking advantage of iA Presenter for creating content on social media.
We added two new aspect ratios, Portrait 4:5 and Square 1:1 to match the format expected by networks like LinkedIn or Instagram.
We also improved the Export as Images feature to export your presentation for your social media networks in a couple of clicks.
How it works: Set the desired slide ratio in settings
Better Layout on Mobile
It’s no longer a secret, we are preparing an iOS version of iA Presenter. Even if you’re not part of the beta, you can already have sneak peek with this new version.
It includes an updated and enhanced layout for mobile devices.
Full changelog:
Added: Paste as Plain Text option
Added: InternetAccessPolicy.plist to support LittleSnitch
Added: Support for captions on images using content blocks
Added: Ability to select the file format when exporting to images
Added: Ability to add a prefix for files when exporting to images
Added: Portrait and Square presentation sizes (using the dimensions expected by social networks)
Improved: Behavior when files are stored in a cloud provider
Improved: Layout on mobile
Improved: Better support for kickers
Improved: Background Color on grid layouts
Improved: Support when pasting images copied from the Finder
Improved: Aligned Text selection highlighting to system’s settings
Improved: Alerts to avoid overwrite when exporting a presentation to images
Improved: Actions management on the Text Inspector
Fixed: Inverted appearance for titles on Basel Theme
Fixed: Incorrect auto-markdown for italic in titles
Fixed: SVG images support in the handout PDF export
Fixed: Excessive deletion when pressing the Enter key with a selected paragraph
Fixed: License not recognized when moving from subscription to education
Fixed: Issue when renaming assets with long filenames
Fixed: Incorrect padding in split layout
Fixed: Incorrect content example layout on Sonoma
Fixed: Wrapped long words in code blocks
Fixed: 9:16 PDF export inconsistent
Fixed: Disabled smart dashes when inserting text from text operations
Fixed: Incorrect layout with images and captions
Fixed: Three returns no longer creates a slide
Fixed: Avoided installing themes with an incorrect name
Fixed: Incorrect spacing in title layout
Fixed: Escaped $ symbol breaks rendering
Fixed: Incorrect page size when exporting to PDF in Letter format
1.0 – Public Release
After more than six months of beta testing, iA Presenter 1.0 is ready. Thank you for helping us get here!
We’re rolling out purchases, subscriptions, and a 14-day trial. We’re looking forward to your feedback about the buying experience.
After years of development, shipping a version 1.0 means a lot to us. And yet, this is only the beginning.
Version 1.1.2 Build 11002
Added: Chemistry equations support in KaTeX
Added: Enabled the system caret on Sonoma
Added: Sleep prevention when presenting
Fixed: Typos in tooltips and menus
Fixed: Accessibility descriptions
Version 1.1.1 Build 11001
Fixed: Incorrect font size in PowerPoint export
Version 1.1.0 Build 10100
Added: BETA: PowerPoint Exporter
Added: BETA: Images Exporter
Added: New infrastructure for beta versions
Version 1.0.2 Build 10002
Added: Licensing for education
Fixed: Incorrect background color when exporting speaker notes to PDF
Version 1.0.1 Build 10001
Added: More levels of opacity for images
Improved: Licensing system
Improved: Kept dynamic slide color background even if there is a background image
Improved: Open external links in default browser from Help
Fixed: Image options for remote images
Fixed: New presentation created multiple times
Fixed: Incorrect syntax highlighting of inline code in the Editor
Fixed: Issue in Remove Theme option in Settings
Fixed: Custom Presenter keys mapping not working with some combinations
Fixed: Missing images when exporting to PDF for the 1st time under Ventura
Version 1.0.0 Build 10000
Added: Licensing & trial system
Improved: Edge aspect when using the blur filter on a background image
Improved: Themes preference pane
Improved: Add link command
Improved: Initial launch process
Fixed: Speaker notes visibility when starting by inline code
Fixed: Incorrect text size when using highlight in headings
Fixed: Issue when drag and dropping remote media from media manager
0.0 – Beta Versions
Version 0.9.1 Build 09177 – Beta 28
Added: Physical Presenter keys mapping
Added: Insert menu, to quickly insert a new slide with a template
Added: Support of videos as background. Background videos autoplay by default
Improved: Inspector redesign and polish
Improved: Support of images hosted in Dropbox
Fixed: Scrolling appearing when using multiple images in a visual block
Fixed: Themes not reloading when installing a new one
Fixed: Layout discrepancies with img on top of titles
Version 0.9.1 Build 09176 – Beta 27
Updated: Format menu to follow Text inspector structure
Fixed: Issue where title could overlap toolbar buttons
Fixed: Issue where the creation of new document can fail
Fixed: Incorrect slide number with empty slides
Version 0.9.1 Build 09175 – Beta 26
Added: Support for links in PDF exports
Improved: Mobile support when exporting to Html
Improved: Toolbar icons
Improved: No more automatic new slide insertion when pressing Enter when inside a code block
Redesigned: About Dialog
Updated: Help
Fixed: Auto-updater not finding updates under Ventura
Fixed: Inconsistent highlighting of inlines in the Editor
Fixed: Incorrect selected slide on right/ctrl click
Fixed: Remaining dashes when deleting the first slide
Fixed: Potential crash on empty presentations
Fixed: non visible background images when name was containing quotes, parentheses or space
Fixed: Incorrect appearance in New York Theme
Removed: Accent color customisation
Version 0.9.1 Build 09170 – Beta 25
Improved: Formatting commands
Version 0.9.1 Build 09169 – Beta 24
Improved: Better handling of strong emphasis + emphasis formatting
Updated: Keyboard shortcut for inline math to avoid conflict on Qwerty
Fixed: Insured all media are loaded before exporting to handout
Made Text Document with Image the default PDF export option
Fixed: Potential crash in code block containing special unicode characters.
Fixed: Incorrect deletion of temporary files
Version 0.9.1 Build 09165 – Beta 23
Added: "small dynamic" text sizing mode
Added: CSS class when slide has an image background
Added: CJK support for speaking time
Added: Support for image opacity
Added: Support for image filters
Improved: Theme layouts thumbnails with background images
Improved: Task list readability
Fixed: Incorrect block-quote conversion on speaker notes
Fixed: Math rendering issue in titles using the Paris theme
Fixed: Multiple issues leading to unwanted document reload, especially when using cloud providers.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09163 – Beta 22
Added: Kickers using hgroup
Added: Allowed slide navigation commands to also work when presenting
Added: Media renaming when pressing the Enter key in media manager
Added: Support for math in the teleprompter
Added: Support for math in handout PDF export
Improved: Slovene/ Croatian font support in Milano
Improved: Auto-hide traffic lights on presentation window
Improved: KaTeX font size to better match default text
Improved Markdown export process
Changed: No more exit presentation mode when closing the presentation window
Fixed: Fixed background images not rendering in some themes
Fixed: Fixed incorrect font if font name contains a space
Fixed: Incorrect slide appearance when using invert
Fixed: Prevented incorrect file names when renaming assets
Fixed: Avoided horizontal scrolling in teleprompter
Fixed: Incorrect paddings when using a video with the caption layout
Version 0.9.1 Build 09161 – Beta 21
Added: Option to select an image when clicking on the drop area
Improved: Processed local media thumbnails with QuickLook
Improved: Inlines parsing
Improved: Blockquotes rendering
Improved: Better editor window frame memorization
Improved: Support of Youtube videos having a starting time
Fixed: Always process assets hashing in the background
Fixed: Typo in default presentation
Fixed: Empty lines rendering in code blocks
Fixed: Paste not working when remapped in System Preferences
Fixed: Smart punctuation
Fixed: Crash when pasting special Unicode characters
Fixed: Progress not working when exporting the handout
Fixed: Incorrect file type after importing text documents
Fixed: Color picker not updating the second time
Fixed: Potential crash when presenting
Version 0.9.1 Build 09159 – Beta 20
Added: Support for background images inclusing size and position
Added: Quicklook Preview using Spacebar when media is selected in the Inspector
Added: Ability to reset the presentation timer
Added: CSS class to define the context
Changed: Blockquotes are now speaker notes by default again
Changed: Monospaced font for math blocks
Improved: New Highlight rendering in slides
Improved: Better accuracy in PDF export progress
Improved: Proper Stop Presentation button
Improved: Moved inline math detection to markdown.framework
Improved: Code blocks readability
Fixed: Empty footnotes references
Fixed: Potential loss of assets in specific situations
Fixed: Incorrect videos paths for exporting to HTML
Fixed: Crash when adding a new slide after a codeblock at the end of a presentation
Fixed: Bold support in titles
Fixed: Consecutive math blocks not rendering
Fixed: Incorrect appearance when matching system appearance
Fixed: Incorrect presets default file when creating new Theme
Fixed: Missing Line Breaks for PDF Export
Fixed: Multiple typos
Fixed: Blinking code blocks under Ventura
Fixed: Incorrect selected theme at startup
Version 0.9.1 Build 09156 – Break-fix
Fixed: Crashes when presenting or changing aspect ratio.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09155 – Beta 19
Added: Cmd + R shortcut to toggle preview.
Changed: Made blockquotes visible by default.
Changed: Made links not visual
Changed: Increased the size of the logo in header/footer
Improved: Better styling of blockquotes.
Improved: Allowed images having a ? in their url.
Improved: Reminds last size and position of presentation window during the same sessions
Improved: Increased dimensions of slides when they are copied as image.
Improved: Performances at startup
Fixed: Incorrect body font definition for template in the Inspector.
Fixed: Missing headers/footer on html export.
Fixed: Incorrect icon color.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09154 – Beta 18
Improved: Bundle storage engine.
Improved: Memory consumption.
Fixed: Minor Themes issues.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09152 – Break-fix
Fixed crash at startup under Ventura beta.
Fixed an issue where existing presentations appear as empty.
Fixed crashes when changing image mode at the end of a presentation.
Improved Speaking Time Control font caching.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09151 – Beta 17
This version introduces a new bundle file format.
Existing presentations in zip format can still be open using the new beta. We recommend backing them up before opening and saving them into the new file format.
Added: New export progress and notification system.
Added: Option to deactivate controls on videos
Improved: Made version number selectable in About dialog + prepopulate email with version numbers in Help → Contact Us.
Improved: Code blocks contrast.
Updated: Default presentation.
Fixed: Math blocks not centered.
Fixed: Incorrect code block background in editor.
Fixed: Incorrect font size in lists containing <br>
Fixed: Incorrect colors (bold, links, …) in Themes.
Fixed: Playback of newly added local videos
Fixed: Support for renaming bundles in Finder while open in Presenter
Added : Support for nested lists in speaker notes
Improved: New PDF export Handout CSS
Fixed: Incorrect detection of inline math
Fixed: Incorrect selected slide after drag and drop ordering
Fixed: Incorrect selected slide after renaming media
Fixed: Notes not visible when exporting to PDF
Fixed: Incorrect Format -> Task List command mapping
Fixed: Crash under Ventura Beta 7
Fixed: Incorrect TextView layout under Ventura beta 8
Version 0.9.1 Build 09146 – Beta 16
Added: New set of Themes
Added: Speaking time
Added: Option to clear image cache
Added: Gradients in Layout Picker thumbnails
Added: Automatic RevenueCat reconnection after defaults deletion
Added: Better automarkdown for footnote and references
Added: Support for Body text colors
Added: Support for Accent colors
Added: Search in Help for menu items
Updated: New default presentation
Updated: Made San Francisco the default Theme
Updated: Migrated to Md.framework for more accurate and efficient inlines processing
Improved: Preferences look and feel
Improved: Inspector labels
Fixed: Autolayout bug for slide having 1 images and 3 visual blocks
Fixed: Autolayout bug not showing a part of the slide
Fixed: Incorrect Tab width for visual text
Fixed: Incorrect colors in Tables
Fixed: Delay in media list update
Fixed: Ensured Safari settings were not interfering with autoplay settings
Fixed: Separators in Text Inspector
Fixed: URLs detected as visible text when they are not content blocks
Fixed: Missing note after image in PDF Handout export
Fixed: Incorrect text size in Editor causing crash
Fixed: Incorrect styling in editor when editing headings
Fixed: Titlebar not visible when search bar is visible
Version 0.9.1 Build 09143 – Beta 15
Redesigned: Inspector
Redesigned: Preferences
Added: Support for smart ponctuation
Added: Support for Theme level CSS classes (for coming themes)
Changed: Comments from @ to //
Changed: Inline math shortcut
Changed: PDF export to new Webkit API
Fixed: Underscore based emphasis
Fixed: Focus mode
Fixed: Crash when changing image mode
Fixed: Warning in slide style inspector
Fixed: Responsive slide rendering when there is no monitor connected
Fixed: Incorrect shortcut for comments
Version 0.9.1 Build 09141 – Beta 14
Updated: App Icon
Updated: Default presentation
Improved: Handout PDF Export improvements (Floated single image, Grid layout for multiple images)
Added: Layout Picker
Added: Option to disable focus mode in teleprompter
Added: Select thumbnail on right click
Fixed: Descenders clipping on title slides
Fixed: Incorrect autolayout rendering
Fixed: Incorrect image resizing mode in v-split-layout
Fixed: Allowed up to 3 leading spaces in ATX headings
Fixed Incorrect line height in title slides
Fixed: Slide break menu & shortcut
Fixed: Mobile presentation size to accommodate with existing media queries
Fixed: Incorrect youtube video id when we have extra parameters in URL
Fixed: Youtube iframe layout
Fixed: Crash when changing image size and position
Changed: Moved the ability to open .md and .txt files to the Import option
Removed: Legacy format menu options
Version 0.9.1 Build 09136 – Beta 13 – Breakfix
Fixed: Crash when changing image mode
Fixed: Bug preventing opening certain documents
Fixed: Issue causing incorrect display of CJK characters
Version 0.9.1 Build 09135 – Beta 13
Added: Support for tiff image format
Added option to swap arrow keys when presenting (physical presenter device)
Improved: Better looking checkboxes in teleprompter
Improved Caret position when changing line prefix (headings, block quote,…)
Updated: App icon
Fixed: Incorrect text size under Ventura
Fixed: Incorrect shortcut or ordered lists
Fixed: Incorrect selected segment when swiping Inspector
Fixed: Crash when removing slides in a presentation with lot of slides
Fixed: Incorrect autosave of metadata
Fixed: Text not visible under Ventura
Fixed: Export to HTML not respecting filename
Fixed: Incorrect code blocks background in editor
Fixed: Crash when changing image mode
Fixed: Crash when deleting the entire presentation text
Fixed: Readability of show preview button
Fixed: Incorrect Tooltips shortcuts
Fixed: Document reversion
Fixed: Bug when slide where not updating properly
Fixed: Bug when deleting text at the end of the document
Fixed: Multiple issues in HTML export (Custom CSS variable, gradient backgrounds, image positions)
Fixed: Unordered list icon
Fixed incorrect preview update when changing headers/footers
Fixed Themes list update when installing or removing themes
Version 0.9.1 Build 09129 – Beta 12
Added: Readonly mode when app is not licensed not in Trial
Added: Support for SVG in assets manager
Improved: Inspector pane switching performances
Improved: Assets thumbnails quality on non retina screens
Improved: Teleprompter Look & Feel with two different modes
Improved: Toolbars layout
Fixed: Incorrect line height with CJK Input Method & line height calculation refactoring
Fixed: Incorrect Show/Hide thumbnails shortcut
Fixed: Incorrect update of preview when changing CSS variables
Fixed: No more allow to toogle inspector and thumbnails in teleprompter mode
Fixed: Bug in asset deletion
Fixed: Youtube videos opening in an external browser window
Fixed: Allowed empty new presentation template
Changed: Shortcut to toggle presentation mode
Version 0.9.1 Build 09123 – Beta 11
Added: Ability to toggle spoken text in Inspector
Improved: Teleprompter
Improved: Better navigation between slides and notes
Fixed: Dynamic background Colors
Fixed: Potential overlapping in titlebar
Fixed: Blank line artefact in thumbnails
Fixed: Math blocks generation
Version 0.9.1 Build 09114 – Beta 10
Added: Totally refactored .md and .txt import with better assets management.
Added: Option to autoplay videos
Improved: Prevented change of extension when renaming files
Improved: Prevented horizontal scrolling in teleprompter with long lines
Improved: Toolbar reorganization
Improved: Main menu reorganization
Improved: Presentation pane cleansing in Preferences
Improved: Caret color
Improved: Windows automatic placement
Improved: Vertical alignment of image alignment dropdown
Fixed: Incorrect line-height with big font sizes
Fixed: Animation behavior of presentation window
Fixed: Potential crashed and smaller fixes
Fixed: Typo in Help
Fixed: Thumbnails randomly blank
Fixed: Incorrect slide height when exporting to PDF
Fixed: Ensured speaker notes background is white when exporting to PDF
Fixed: Ensured thumbnails have the right background when adding/removing/reordering slides
Fixed: Incorrect presentation window layout with MBP having a notch
Version 0.9.1 Build 09105 – Beta 9
Added: Support for Themes descriptions.
Improved: Ensured slide numbers in thumbnails can have 3 digits.
Improved: Themes update.
Fixed: Slowness when editing with a lot of emojis.
Fixed: Issue with image drag and drop.
Fixed: Incorrect font size when using a non responsive slide size.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09104 – Beta 8
Added: Dynamic (gradient) backgrounds support in Tokyo theme.
Added: Support for paste image from clipboard.
Added support for PDF thumbnails in assets manager
Improved: Prevented to directly save to .md but to use export instead.
Improved: PDF support as image + udated help accordingly.
Improved: Proposed asset name when requested name already exists.
Fixed: Incorrect url escaping when containing ?.
Fixed: Auto-layout with footnotes.
Fixed: A bug preventing the display of assets from Theme in asset manager.
Fixed: Paste slide at index 0.
Fixed: PDF export when using the mobile presentation size.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09102 – Beta 7
Fixed: Invisible checkmark if the slide is using dark mode.
Fixed: Issued when the first paragraph of the slide containing a : was not shown on the slide.
Fixed: Intro video not able to play again after being closed a first time.
Fixed: Issue preventing the presentation window to be shared using Zoom (and potentially other web meeting apps).
Fixed: Autolayout when using videos.
Fixed: Spaces in code blocks are not preserved.
Fixed: Incorrect scaling of wide equations.
Fixed: Incorrect output when exporting to PDG with the phone presentation size.
Fixed: Incorrect caret location after exiting presentation mode.
Fixed: Prevented a crash when presenting.
Fixed: Incorrect behavior when setting heading level using format commands.
Improved: Local images linked from a .md or .txt are now automatically added to the .iapresenter during import.
Improved: Disabled auto-suggest in math and code blocks.
Added: Help sections for graphics & files.
Added: Per slide navigation when presenting using ←and → keys.
Added: Button to swap screen if presenting with multiple monitors.
Version 0.9.1 Build 09101 – Beta 6
This is a small breakfix version fixing a couple of crashes and a text scaling bug.
Fixed multiple crashes.
Better overflow support for images in v-split layout (text scaling issue)
Added “prefetch” for images.
Version 0.9.0 Build 09099 – Beta 5
Added Help Viewer and basic help including how to create a custom Theme.
Teleprompter fixes.
Fixed incorrect aspect ratio in thumbnails.
Fullscreen presentation mode fixes including better support for screens with a notch.
Fixed capped thumbnails in fullscreen mode.
Fixed space key not working after presenting.
Added a way to generate boilerplate code for new Themes.
Fixed an auto-layout bug.
3-cells grid layout moved to a 3 columns layout.
Better lines continuation inside visuals blocks.
Fixed titlebar visibility.
Improved support for lists.
Improved windowed mode support when presenting with multiple monitors.
Version 0.9.0 Build 09096 – Beta 4
Added more CSS classes to slides for further customization
Considered lines with a single tab as non-empty lines
Aligned highlight and strikethrough format attributes in Text Inspector
Made preview button more visible on thumbnails
Added support for multiple paragraphs in formatting
Fixed edge cases when drawing the first slide number in textview
Fixed a text scaling bug when text is bottom aligned
Better error handling and reporting when opening non-readable text files
Updated KaTeX
Fixed issues and improved Math handling
Fixed issues and improved Code handling
Fixed incorrect rendering of inlines (highlight, code, math) backgrounds in textview
Added single return starts a new paragraph option
Fixed Ordered lists numbering in the teleprompter
Fixed Incorrect cursor
Custom themes installation fixes and improvements
Version 0.9.0 Build 09095 – Beta 3
Made presentation mode shortcuts working whatever is the focussed element.
PDF & HTML export improvements
Fixed crashes
HTML export fixes
Fixed incorrect code/math format command in Text Inspector
Added support for task lists
Changed keyboard shortcuts to go to first/last slide
Improved default new presentation content
Fixed Incorrect layout when folding preview on style inspector
Improved teleprompter
Always included muted slide in teleprompter
Better font weight and line spacing in teleprompter
Added hanging-punctuation for notes in teleprompter
Monospaced font in timer
Added X keyboard shortcut to swap screens when presenting with multiple monitors
Fixed remaining text selection between slides in preview mode
Added Dynamic (optional) placeholder when slide has notes but no visual content
Added dynamic instructions when setting a logo
Added support for alternative urls for YouTube videos
Fixed a crash when totally deleting presentation contents
Fixed ⌘ + ⇧ + P shortcut when slides are focussed
Version 0.9.0 Build 09093 – Beta 2
So, we have been at work since the last Beta. But we have not been sleeping. iA Speaker is now called iA Presenter and it now comes with a:
New syntax
Newly designed, clear difference between visual and spoken
Simplified structure no more slide parts/modules
New teleprompter
Autolayout (no need to pick layouts, it just does it)
Markdown Import
More Export formats and layouts
Support for transitions
Content blocks with images positions
New Inspector
Better asset management (drag and drop from browser, web support, renaming, YouTube videos, …)
The ability to delete unused images and rename Screenshot-dhdgsg-9-4-3.png
Contact Us
If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.