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The Thumbnails

The left panel of the Editor is the Thumbnails, giving you a preview of all of your slides.

Every time you create a slide, the associate numerated thumbnail will appear right away in this panel.

The Thumbnails Panel

You can show or hide the Thumbnails panel in 3 different ways:

You can drag and drop any thumbnails in the panel to reorder the slides of your presentation. The associated content on the Editor will be reordered accordingly. Doing a right-click on a thumbnail will open a context menu giving you various basic options such as copy/paste, insert, duplicate or delete.

Just like the cursor in the Editor, the numbers of each thumbnail have different colors from blue to gold, showing where you are situated in your presentation.

Below the thumbnail’s number, sometimes you can see a small AA next to the slide (e.g., slide 12). It just means that iA Presenter had to scaled down the text to fit it into the slide. You can have more information by putting the mouse cursor over it.

Thumbnails Layout

iA Presenter automatically detects the type of monitor you are using and provides an adjusted preview of the thumbnails. Most users will always see the thumbnails in a “landscape mode”, but if you are using a vertical monitor you will see the thumbnails in “portrait mode”.

If you prefer to view them in landscape mode, simply change the aspect ratio (see below) in SettingsPresentationFixed aspect ratioWide 16:9

There are in total 5 Fixed aspect ratio you can select:

The last two options are the best choice for sharing slides on social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn.

Get a Preview Window

Click on one of the thumbnails –either anywhere on the thumbnail or the presentation icon on the bottom-right– and a small window of this slide will open on top of the Editor. If you use the Editor in full-screen, the preview will open on another window.

When you resize this window, you will see the content adapting to the new dimensions. This is the responsive design of Presenter.

The default size of the preview window, displaying the same layout as on the Thumbnails panel.

You can move around and resize the preview window. The layout will adapt to the new dimensions.


Place your mouse over one thumbnail and you will see the time calculator for this exact slide appearing on the bottom-left of the thumbnail. This rough estimate is decided by the content of your Speaker’s Notes.

Note that on the bottom-right of the Editor, the time calculator for the whole presentation is always displayed.

Those time calculators are visible on the Editor only. When switching to Presentation Mode, you will get another timer displaying the time elapsed since the beginning of your presentation, on the top-right.

Thumbnails’ Design

The design applied to the Thumbnail is decided by the theme you choose in The Inspector.

Every time you change the design, the thumbnails in the left panel and the preview window adapt automatically.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.



The Editor is where you’ll write your narrative, add visuals, and turn your content into slides.

The Thumbnails

Preview, reorder, duplicate or delete your slides.

Backups And Recovery

Lost your progress in a presentation? Wishing you hadn't deleted that slide? No worries!


Turn an existing Markdown text into a presentation in seconds.


Navigate the app more efficiently by learning the shortcuts available in Presenter.

Fast Love

The default presentation you see when opening Presenter: a fun tutorial to get you started.