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The Thumbnails

The Thumbnails panel to the left of the Editor gives you a preview of all of your slides.

Every time you create a slide, it’ll appear in the Thumbnails panel right away.

The Thumbnails Panel

You can show or hide slide Thumbnails panel in three ways:

To reorder your slides, simply drag-and-drop them where you like. You don’t need to change the related content in the Editor—Presenter will update it automatically.

Right-click on a thumbnail to open the contextual menu with more options, such as copy/paste, insert, duplicate or delete.

Tip: Did you notice how thumbnail numbers change color (blue to gold) as you add more slides? The gradual change in color helps you see at a glance where you are in your presentation.

You may see a small AA beneath the slide’s number, as in slide six above. That means Presenter had to scale down your text to make it fit the slide.

Thumbnail Layouts

Presenter automatically adjusts the thumbnail previews based on what type of monitor you’re using. In most cases thumbnails will be in landscape mode. If you use a vertical monitor, thumbnails will appear in portrait mode by default.

If you prefer to view thumbnails in landscape mode, change the aspect ratio (see below) in SettingsPresentationFixed aspect ratioWide 16:9.

You can choose from five aspect ratios:

Tip: Portrait and square aspect ratios are ideal for sharing slides on Social Media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn.

Using the Preview Window

To open a preview of the slide, double-click on a thumbnail or click on the presentation icon on the lower-right. The thumbnail preview will open in a new window.

Try resizing the thumbnail preview by dragging the window’s edges. As you resize it, the slide layout will adapt to its new dimensions—your presentation will look great on any display.

By default, the preview window will use the same layout as the thumbnail’s.

The slide’s layout will adapt to how you resize the preview window.

Slide and Presentation Timers

Hover your mouse over a thumbnail to get an estimate of how long it will take you to read through that particular slide‘s speaker notes. The presentation’s entire length is always visible at the bottom-right of the Editor.

Keep in mind that the slide and presentation time estimates are only visible in the Editor. When you switch to Presentation Mode, you’ll see another timer on the top-right that shows how much time has elapsed since you started the presentation.

Changing a Thumbnail’s Design

A thumbnail’s layout is determined by the theme you choose in the Inspector’s Theme and Style tab. If you change to a different theme, all thumbnails will automatically switch to the new layout.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.



The Editor is where you’ll write your narrative, add visuals, and turn your content into slides.

The Thumbnails

Preview, reorder, duplicate or delete your slides.

Backups And Recovery

Lost your progress in a presentation? Wishing you hadn't deleted that slide? No worries!


Turn an existing Markdown text into a presentation in seconds.


Navigate the app more efficiently by learning the shortcuts available in Presenter.

Fast Love

Fast Love—iA Presenter in three minutes is Presenter’s default presentation that serves as a tutorial.