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Artificial Intelligence: or AI, is a technology designed to make you do things that previously required you to think. Though mischievously named intelligence it is not intelligent as by definition it lacks conscious understanding. It uses statistical methods to predict patterns and it is as conscious at matching word patterns as dishwashers are conscious at washing dishes. Both the word AI and AI technology spreads virally through LinkedIn, PowerPoint presentations, infecting apps and operating systems, equalizing, unifying, and flattening all software, to make everything look work and do the same. AI making everything the same is the logical consequence of how it works. AI helps cheaters cheat, spammers spam, and deep fakers fake more deeply. On the positive side, AI radically puts our school and business methods into question, since it can replace most current teachers and business consultants and turn everyone into an A student. We don't know how AI will evolve, except that it will certainly make a few very rich people even richer. Tech Optimists who believe that our brains work like computers propose that AI will outsmart us in future. AI is presented as a potential deus ex machina that can both solve all our problems, or end humanity. As we wait for that happy day, we’ll continue to use exponentially increasing amounts of computational energy that further heats our planet. We think that you should turn the tables on AI, but we also know that AI was invented because thinking hurts.

Articles related to Artificial Intelligence

Why write?

Writing is part of lifelong learning process that keeps us awake, sharp and connected.

Turning the Tables on AI

AI is sold to make us think less... How about using AI not to think less but *more*?

Design as Thought: AI and the Future of Design

Orlando and Oliver studied philosophy together 30 years ago. Their shared love for philosophy, design, and technology reunited them to discuss AI and the future.

A good image tells a good story

Choose visuals as carefully as words to quickly grab attention, explain complex ideas, and leave a lasting impact.

AI and the Beauty of Human Flaws

The Swiss daily newspaper Tages-Anzeiger interviewed Oliver Reichenstein, founder of iA, on the Aesthetics of AI.

AI Videos: ******* Psychotic

Remember when you saw the first DALL-E and ChatGPT-texts? How do you feel about them now? Could the same thing happen to AI videos?

AI Art is The New Stock Image

Critique of the pure AI image.

iA Writer 7: Whoa, Feedback!

We needed to make sure that everyone understood what we do and, especially, do not do. How did it go?

iA Writer 7

iA Writer dims the text you paste from AI tools. As you edit ChatGPT's input and make it your own, iA Writer keeps track of what is yours and what isn't.

Writing with AI

When ChatGPT came out one year ago, we wanted to know whether and how it could be used for writing. We put it to the test.

No AI Feature

After a year of observation, experimentation, and testing, we may have found a careful response to the challenges we face with AI.

AI and the End of Writing

Soon, we won't need to write much any longer. Artificial Intelligence will do it for us.

Computer Poetry

Every time we read a computer-generated text, part of our life gets sucked into a little black electric hole.