iA / Presenter / Support / Basics / Settings

Settings iPad

Presenter for iPhone and iPad is currently in beta testing. Sign up for the waitlist here.

Use iA Presenter’s Settings menu to customize how you create and present slides.

On your iPad, tap the ⚙️ icon at the top-left of the Library to modify settings.

The main menu of the Settings in Presenter for iPad

The Settings can be divided in the following categories:


Details of the General menu

Choose between light and dark appearance for Presenter’s interface, or set it to be the same as your system’s settings.


Choose between the system’s or dark mode for the app icon.


By default, iA Writer hides the toolbars above and below the Editor and Preview while you’re scrolling. Enable this option to always keep them visible.

Default Presentation

The default placeholder text that you’ll see when you open the Editor, Fast Love. Delete the tutorial if you no longer need it—or add your own placeholder text here instead.

Reset Default Presentation

Accidentally deleted our in-app tutorial? You can always retrieve it from here.

Version and Build

The installed app version, along with its build number.


Details of the Editor menu

Focus Mode

Activates Focus Mode which dims all text, except for the slide you’re editing.



Changes the Editor’s font. Choose from iA’s Mono, Duo or Quattro fonts.

Line length Limit

Choose the maximum number of characters (64, 72 or 80) on a single line before it wraps to the next.


Check Spelling

When turned on, typos in the Editor will be underlined in red. Learn more in our Languages article.

Smart Copy/Paste

Automatically removes word-bordering whitespace.

Smart Quotes

Replaces straight quotes "" with curly quotes “”

Smart Dashes

Converts two dashes -- into an em dash

Three Returns to Start a New Slide

Toggles whether pressing Return key three times creates a new slide. You can still enter slide breaks from the Text sheet, or manually enter three dashes ---.

Speaking Time

Show or hide the estimated speaking time in the Editor.


Details of the Presentation menu



Automatically adjusts slide layout (and thumbnails) based on your device’s aspect ratio.

Fixed Aspect Ratio

Locks the aspect ratio for slides and thumbnails (requires Responsive to be toggled off). Choose between Regular 4:3, Wide 16:9, Mobile 9:16, Portrait 4:5, or Square 1:1. Setting a fixed aspect ratio will also make it the default for exported documents.

💡 Fixed aspect ratios are particularly useful if you’re sharing your slides to Social Media, which often have specific aspect ratio requirements.


Adjust Text Size to Fit in Slide

When enabled, Presenter will automatically scale down your text to fit the slide. A small AA icon beneath a slide’s number in The Thumbnails denotes that its text has been scaled down.

Autoplay Videos

Select to automatically play a video on a slide being presented.

Show Controls on Videos

Choose whether to display the built-in video controls.


Shows a warning message on a slide when it only contains speaker notes but no visible elements for your audience.

Presentation Mode

Turn the timer in Presentation Mode on or off (it starts automatically when Presentation Mode is activated).


Details of the Themes menu

Add, create, or reload Custom Themes. To delete a theme, swipe left on it.

All Themes you add here will appear at the bottom of the Theme dropdown in the Design sheet.


Details of the Markdown menu
Single Return Starts a New Paragraph

With traditional Markdown, you need to press Return twice to complete a paragraph and start a new one. Toggle on this setting to use a single Return instead.

Apply Smart Punctuation

Toggle on this option to convert straight quotes "" in the Editor with curly quotes “” in slide text. Similarly, two dashes -- become an em dash

💡 This setting only applies to rendered and exported slides—unlike the Editor’s smart quotes and smart dashes settings, which modify characters inside the Editor.


Details of the Keyboard menu
Lightning Menu

Tap the Lightning Menu ⚡ in the keyboard bar for quick access to shortcuts. Customize it with any action or submenu of your choice.

Hardware Keyboard

The keyboard bar appears above the software keyboard and shows shortcuts to common functions. Shortcuts become available when you connect a physical keyboard, so you may choose to hide the keyboard bar here.


Details of the Export menu
PDF Export

Select from seven layout options for your PDF Export, choose the page size (A4 or letter format), and whether to add borders around slides.

Images Export

Select between PNG and JPEG for images exports, along with the aspect ratio.

HMTL Export

Choose whether to keep the default HTML export settings, which include local images, the presentation engine, and your selected theme. Alternatively, select only the elements you need. You can also rename folders and the presentation filename.


Details of the Accounts menu

Shortcuts to subscribe to Presenter yearly or monthly.

Register License

Enter your license key to activate your version of Presenter.

Restore Purchase

Reactivate previous purchase.


Details of the More System Settings menu

To manage photo access, storage location and other settings, head over to iOS settings for iA Presenter.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.


Settings Mac

Use iA Presenter’s Settings panel to customize how you create and present slides. You can access Settings via: The Menu iA Presenter → Settings The keyboard shortcut ⌘, General Appearance Choose between light and dark appearance for Presenter’s interface, or set it to be the same as your system’s settings. Dock icon Choose between the

Settings iPhone

Presenter for iPhone and iPad is currently in beta testing. Sign up for the waitlist here. Use iA Presenter’s Settings menu to customize how you create and present slides. On your iPhone, tap the ⚙️ icon at the top-left of the Library to view Presenter’s settings. The Settings can be divided in the following categories:

Settings iPad

Learn how to change settings in iA Presenter for iPad.