iA / Presenter / Support / Basics



Your story-telling base. Focus on getting content down, Markdown will handle the formatting and Presenter the design.


The Inspector with its 3 tabs (Text, Visuals, Design) will help you create and modify your presentation in a few clicks.

Text Visuals Design
Speech Images Theme selector
Text on Slide Bundled Videos Fonts
Format YouTube integration Colors & Light-Dark versions
Code & Math Delete Unused Assets Header & Footer
Table Generator Drag & Drop Target Logo

Themes and Layouts

Presenter comes with 10 built-in themes ready to use, made by iA designers.

On top of these, you can create personalized Custom Themes.

Opiniated Vibrants Pastels Colorful Classics
New York San Francisco Copenhagen Tokyo Zurich
Basel Los Angeles Vancouver Milano Paris

Layouts are responsive, they will adapt to various devices based on their content. The 15 built-in layouts can be grouped in 6 main categories:


It’s “Show Time”. While you follow your speaker notes on the teleprompter, your audience’s attention is caught by eye-catchy slides.


Add images and videos on the fly, the responsive layout will take care of the rendering. Local files of different formats and URL paths are supported.


The traditional Markdown syntax for images ![](image.png) is supported but we recommend the simplest Content Blocks Syntax.

Format Extension
Portable Network Graphics .apng, .png
Graphics Interchange Format .gif
WebP .webp
Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpg, .jpeg
Tagged Image File Format .tif, .tiff
Scalable Vector Graphics .svg
Portable Document Format .pdf

The images will be by default (D) centered, on cover and content positions but you have more options to choose from:

Images Options
Size Alignments Order Filters
Cover (D) Center (D) Content (D) Filter (5*)
Contain Left/Top Background Opacity

*Filters: Lighten, Darken, Grayscale, Sepia, Blur.


Besides the bundled files, videos from YouTube can be added directly to the app (from the Inspector ).

Format Extension
M4V .m4v
Moving Picture Expert Group 4 .mp4
Quicktime .mov

Language Support

Our apps are designed for a global audience. The interface of Presenter is currently available in English but we’d like to support more languages in future versions.


Easily sharing your work after your presentation is essential. Presenter includes a number of Export options for this.

The PDF export has seven layouts to choose from:

Current OS Support
Presenter is currently available on Mac OS. We’d love to expand it to other platforms, but it is too early to make such plans now.
Platform Version Supported OS
Mac 1 macOS 11+
Android TBD
Windows TBD
Future OS Support
To allow us to focus on improving Presenter and adding new features, we will consider dropping support for older operating systems once the majority of customers have migrated.
Previous Versions
It is not possible to re-download non-current versions. The most current version is always available here: Try Presenter

Contact Us

If you are experiencing a problem that our support section doesn’t solve please reach out to us. We take a break on the weekends (JST), but during weekdays we aim to reply within 1-2 business days.


Presenter 101

A tutorial video series to discover in less than 2 min the features of Presenter.

Core Components

A quick tour of Presenter for first-time users.

Markdown Guide

Learn Markdown in a few minutes or refresh your knowledge with this guide designed for Presenter.


Your story-telling base. Focus on getting content down, Presenter will handle the design.

Presentation Tips

Great presentations are really great stories. It’s great stories that move people, not stock images, bullet points, or diagrams.


The interface of Presenter is in English but any Left to Right languages are supported for the presentation's content.